The average person is filled with silly, fictitious, and phantasmagorical thoughts, but who knew that you could run into something nearly borderline obnoxious around every single corner. It’s EVERYWHERE! (Everyone is driven by causal motivations that are highly specific to their circumstance, but our circumstance often comes at the cost [usually negative] of other people’s wellbeing — it’s a zero-sum game.) Of course, it’s not just about how many people believe them; however, it is about how many ridiculous thoughts/concepts that just about every person can believe. Even then, it’s also not necessarily about what people believe, because it’s also about the information that they may be lacking. (Everyone struggles with having too many errors in their personal code.) In fact, the more information that you’re lacking, the more likely that you will have a hard time grasping the truth. And, at least with this in mind, we should understand and discuss the 10 silly notions that many people believe — far too many people!
The 10 Silly Notions That Many People Believe
1. Learning is Limitless
The worst part of being a human is that you’re just a brain that’s simply waiting for any kind of information/stimulus to come in. (There’s plenty of room for the wrong kind of information to get in your brain, right?) You obviously do not have that many basal instincts, and you’re confined by the limited knowledge set. In fact, the more that you learn, the more that you realize that what you’re learning isn’t going to get you that far. What’s more, you may end up learning something that will make your or someone else’s life less than successful — it becomes detrimental. If we want to take this even further, then we can say that learning is often frivolous to the point of certain negative realizations. Unfortunately, too many people seem to think that learning is limitless in its resolve; there’s not always something to learn. However, many people can live a lifetime of enjoying “the process” in spite of it being ultimately used for an evolved machine that required it instead of species-specific instincts, etcetera.
The 10 Silly Notions That Many People Believe
2. Technology is Good
Of course, it’s not to say that learning is meaningless, but it’s entire existence is reliant on someone needing it … . “What should we need then?” you ask. Well, we all have needs for survival, even if we take them away. (It’s a matter of logic.) However, most people think that we’re doing ourselves good with technology without also spelling out the bad. (We either contrive an existence through excessive hindrance or we keep pushing slowly/quickly towards our own demise.) You’re also told that you’re unappreciative or taking things for granted if you understand the truth — the facts are often unpleasant. And in spite of almost everyone thinking otherwise, the vast majority of people choose a more lighthearted approach to existence. They may even believe that we’re going towards some sort of impartial singularity that will make us all happy. Hell, if we don’t even think about the consequences of the present or our “existential crises,” then we may be okay. Just don’t consider colonization!
The 10 Silly Notions That Many People Believe
3. We’re Going Somewhere
The biggest problem for humanity is that it — occurring on a macroscale — thinks that we’re going somewhere … special. And even though this is blatantly untrue, far many brains seem to misunderstand this or seek living in denial. Why? Well, it relates to brain chemistry and how people think, right? (It’s certainly true that the majority of people have a skewed perspective!) After all, the ‘average human’ is real, and they’re living within the status quo that’s beset with and/or by murder, child rape, and blatant inconsistency. However, even if we weren’t dealing with these problems, how would we justify our existence that would still exist to solve a problem. If we do not have to be here, then why are we finding reason to continue? (Hint: It’s a need for control that comes naturally [and through conditioning].) Of course, these are rhetorical questions, and the answers are obvious and rife with desperation and a need for continuation because of this. And, to put it simply, there’s no way to convince them otherwise.
The 10 Silly Notions That Many People Believe
4. Everyone is Equal
We can all agree that it’s better to have more correct information; however, simply having more information is not always the best thing. After all, most answers slither from a swamp of convolution, and it’s wishful thinking that often guides us through the most abstract of answers and/or deductions. (It’s simply far, far too obvious to anyone with a working, thinking brain.) Additionally, the world doesn’t revolve around anyone in particular, but, even if this is relevant to some folks, they always have to add a spin to it. (People will be “alright” with inequality or inadequacy for the sake of diversity, even if it throws them in the mud as well.) And not only that, but a lot of people to tend to justify it as well (optimism/survivalism), at least for the most part. When we take a look at the facts though, we should understand that the truth stands through our petty ideals. However, even though the truth and what people value is different, we should understand that everyone’s value is equal to some degree.
The 10 Silly Notions That Many People Believe
5. Selfishness is Justifiable
You know that you’re having a bad day when you see someone thinking that selfishness is a positive character trait — it’s within the microcosm of our existence. (There’s truth to selfishness holding some value, as it’s a circumstantial value exists under the construction of how and where we were built.) Unfortunately, it’s almost impossible to live a life with other people (existing) without being at least a little selfish. It’s just that being selfish is often seen as a required trait, at least when the push comes to the visceral shove. Although, to make matters even worse, there’s also the pretense that people shouldn’t have to care about others! Why? Well, it comes down to the law of principle. And this essentially means that people can pretend to care and act on selflessness as an excuse while also pretending like other people don’t matter that much. How come? Well, it’s the way of the world, and people have been conditioned with said pretenses, and there’s very little that we can do about it in the end.
The 10 Silly Notions That Many People Believe
6. People are Good
When you see someone walking down the street and thinking that they’re the shit, then you know that you’re in for an existential crisis. (Again, selfishness is never seen as too much of a good thing.) And although we can say that people are not necessarily bad, we can certainly say that they are not great or even good. Even then, some beliefs are subconscious or less obvious until you final arrive at a final answer through personal adversity. “What does this mean?” you ask. Well, it certainly means that people can justify and explain away just about anything! And to make matters even worse, a lot of people can exploit this shituation by claiming that people are inherently good. Although, it’s just too bad that this is not a relevant fact, as far too many people are given a crappy existence … making this claim somewhat unreasonable. Anyway, even if we understand that people can be good or conditioned to be good, our natural state is not so good. And, at least for the most part, people are not given many chances.
The 10 Silly Notions That Many People Believe
7. Everything is Subjective
For the most part, our existence and pleasantries are all a matter of perspective, our own personal perception or life experience. (People tend to look at thinks through a subjective lens.) It’s just unfortunate that people tend to disrespect the truth because they also tend to get lost in words. (There’s nothing wrong with doing this as long as you also accept the truth during those work hours.) And although it seems rather surreal, everyone should hold these virtues equally. Why? Well, because words and thoughts are simply there as a means of communication. In spite of this, there’s also a truth out there that allows these things to occur; although, it’s not always seen this way. You see, it’s really easy to not see the truth as inflexible, and it’s even disrespected in a very subjective way. People will accept some truth, but they also tend to ignore it during their alone time … . Additionally, it’s very easy to lose sight of this and allow your “subjective” processes to make this gap even more displeasing and rude.
The 10 Silly Notions That Many People Believe
8. Your Life Matters
As you can already tell, we’re addressing more of the bigger picture with/in this article, as looking at the smaller deal often only encompasses the smaller world. (Everyone’s world is small to some degree, and it’s hard not to think in such a selfish or myopically rigid way.) Like with microeconomics, the consideration of the negative is often limited compared to the macroscale. And, at least on a value level and to your loved ones, your life matters to some degree. Just be aware of the fact that your life ultimately doesn’t matter to a lot of other people, especially if they do not know you. (It’s called a stranger’s paradise.) Even if you hold inherent, objective value because of your ability to feel positively and negatively, your life doesn’t always mean that much to a given situation. Hell, you can even say the same thing from your perspective; you may not care too much about others. In the end, this means that we’re often guided into situations that do not benefit us in the slightest or happen for good reason.
The 10 Silly Notions That Many People Believe
9. Religion is Good
The more that we create a world full of pretense, the more that we are allowing ourselves to excuse the problems that burden our invaluable lives. And although people can “care,” at least for some kind of reason, they’re often guided into a pseudo-selfless world. You know, it’s either you or them, and it might as well be you … so why not make that personal sacrifice. In fact, why not make that sacrifice for the greater good or even GOD — he may appreciate it. The conflict has always been there, and it’s a matter of viewing an ant and believing that we also have our humanistic master in the sky. Not only that, we also have to believe that religion can change people’s lives for the better, right? I mean, our good and gracious god is three basic things: all-knowing (omniscient), all-powerful (omnipotent), and all-present (omnipresent). And, at least if you want to make something else your all-encompassing god, you can always sway whatever pseudoscientific beliefs that you have and make that your god as well!
The 10 Silly Notions That Many People Believe
10. Life is a Gift
Not only are people full of crap half of the time, but they enjoy the irrationality that comes with being disadvantaged. Although, it also means that it gives us “meaning” to our lives; people rely too heavily on their personal set of hardships. (As a means of survival, people tend to have their head filled with nonsense by taking the easy route through god or selfishness.) We can always finetune our existence to make it a little more palatable, but this does not make it worth it or overall better per se. It also doesn’t mean that a god exists, especially when our hardships are backed up by constant excuse making and goalpost changing. (The facts indicate otherwise, and we know where they came from: bad faith!) If something bad happens, then they subserviently accept their place or feel the kindness of life’s existence when they have something good happen. This means that this so-called gift is a dedication to irrational emotion, ignorance, and a feeling of peace when our hormones are pleasing us very tenderly.
The 10 Silly Notions That Many People Believe
As you can hopefully see or tell, we are all part of a vary significant game, but it’s a game that much is bigger than the world that we think we are in. (There’s a lot of importance, but there is only a subjective/evolutionary purpose or meaning driving our very existence.) And although this game is complex in its own ways, it’s also rather simple, at least for the most part. (The permutations in the microscopic [molecular/atomic] world make this possible, but the interactions are almost objectively simple, especially in our perspective world.) “Yeah, but how is this?” you ask. Well, it certainly comes down to the motivations that drive us mixed with the combinations that guide us through the process of cause & effect (determinism). There are a simple set of rules that dictate our existence; however, once they’re understood, there isn’t much else to figure out. And that, at least to the vast majority of people, is far too difficult to understand, even though the complicated complexity that drives it is easy to see.
That are far too many silly notions that exist in too many people’s heads. Of course, one of them is the idea that having children is okay in spite of the firm argument of consent, i.e., causing suffering without someone’s permission, etcetera. In the end, everyone is a victim and a culprit, unfortunately. And to make this even worse, our brain is none-the-wiser about its manipulation of the facts/truth.
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