Your SEO score is essentially your online ticket for gaining “exposure” in front of an internet ‘audience.’ (It stands for “search engine optimization,” and it’s often controlled by greedy, disruptive companies [or corporations].) It dictates your ability to be seen online by just about anyone; however, the borders of this internet gameplay are always changing for the worse. In fact, not only do you have to spend a lot of money, but it also requires you to meet certain “network requirements.” (The use of SEO has mostly become a stockpile of skilled web designers and their abhorrent writing skills; it’s all about your ability to expose and optimize yourself.) Of course, luck will come into play, but your talent can often go to the wayside without you even realizing it. Thankfully, we’ve got all sorts of tools that we can use to make our lives easier! It’s just that they’re often only catered to people who already have a lot of money or an audience full of sock puppets and/or fake profiles! Clearly, these are the 10 ways that SEO will ruin you … .
The internet is for you to use and not own, but the same can not be said for the corporations running it “for us.” In the end, they’re there just because of their ability to hold the reins as our corporate overlords and overachievers. Thankfully, we’ve got control enough over it, so why not take advantage of it as well!
The 10 Ways That SEO Will Ruin You
1. Indexing
First off, finding a way to index your page can be a grueling process, especially if you’re ‘inexperienced’ at working on websites. (It’s always advised by others to ask a web developer for help, even though the tools are and should be easy to understand.) It also requires a lot of patience, effort, and ongoing dedication, but it obviously requires A LOT of money, too. Hell, you may even have content that’s sliced from a search engine just because of the content being “unacceptable” in some way. They even tell you that you’re given a fair chance; however, it’s always a little more complicated than that. In fact, the internet is a place where trolls and all sorts of cheaters reside, and it’s never going to be easy when they’re everywhere and making “looser” connections. Unfortunately, a lot of the “advice” that you will find online is self-serving, and it’s often meant to be unclear or obtuse so that you struggle to find your way around utilizing the correct tools. So, just know that sitemaps (Google search console) are very important!
The 10 Ways That SEO Will Ruin You
2. Research
Everything ‘important’ is hidden between the lines when it comes to your online traffic! Unfortunately, your talent often plays little role when it comes to your internet content, as your exposure is often controlled by many other means (e.g., social media reach, web crawling, and networking). It’s not to say that it doesn’t make a difference, but you will way, way more often see a “sea of s***” instead of something more meaningful. In fact, information is always shifting, and it’s mostly a game of “Truth & Dare” instead of talent and/or skill. (Research helps; however, you should know where to look and take everything with a grain of salt.) There should obviously be an easily understood database online, but these are often too hard to locate. Of course, they may tell you to find your own niche, but you then have to change your niche or broaden your selection. If anything, research tends to discourage you, but it never hurts to gain some context through referential experience, and that’s the best way to deal with it all.
The 10 Ways That SEO Will Ruin You
3. Design
You see, companies like Google have a stake in this interpersonal business game of ‘internet debauchery,’ and it often means that you’re going to be making very little money. (Google and other multinational corporations are not in the risky business of giving your a large slice of their “personal funds.”) It doesn’t matter if it comes through AdSense or one of the other advertising companies, i.e., their direct competition. And as long as you are willing and capable of abusing the systems at your disposal, you will find yourself not struggling to get anywhere. (It’s built into their design, but it doesn’t mean that it can not be changed.) Again, no method is a guarantee, except for your ability to cheat … & it sucks. There are simply too many loopholes that you must drop through to get a hang of it, and there are too many places that you have to search. And, as you know, it’s never all that great! In fact, you can have the BEST articles online about a particular subject; however, you will not be seen because of it having a unique title.
The 10 Ways That SEO Will Ruin You
4. Expectations
Thankfully, cheaters and abusers are not always TOO successful; however, it’s only because no one can be successful. (SEO abusers are simply making it harder for ‘honest folk’ to get anywhere!) However, the worst part about making a website is realizing how much extra effort you’re going to have to put in once you’ve already committed to the cause. (Having low expectations is almost required!) In fact, you can have one of the worst websites on the internet and be successful. Furthermore, you’ll likely be reasonably indexed anyway because of your content not shaking the boat too much. “Yeah, but what does this mean?” you ask. Well, it essentially means that the internet often caters to the simple-minded people who you see walking through the store every day. Of course, it’s understandable that you should make a website that works, looks decent, and is easy to navigate through. Then again, having a good website and material doesn’t always guarantee success. After all, everyone and their mother is creating “content” now!
The 10 Ways That SEO Will Ruin You
5. Investment
Creating your own website can be a tedious process — it requires a lot of work. You’ve got to lock yourself into to social media, utilize tags and/or plugins, and cater to a specific audience. There’s also an investment period where you’ll probably have to hire a web designer to help, and it can often cost a lot of money to just get your website off of the ground and running. This obviously doesn’t include all of the domain optimizations and searches you’ll have to create! You should also know that you’ll have to research and likely spend money on a lot of other useless things. Unfortunately, your overall skills with web design and SEO signaling are often more important than any other legitimate talents when you’re on the internet. It’s all very obviously unfair, but it’s part of the game (fallacious online game)! And most people are generally more exposed to the status quo, and it probably means that they’re jerks. Of course, it doesn’t mean that people have magically gotten more talented, but there’s always a lot of maintenance!
The 10 Ways That SEO Will Ruin You
6. Advertisement
When you find your way towards working online, you’ll soon begin to see what it’s really all about. (There are any number of ways to make extra money, including donations, affiliate marketing, or placed advertisements.) Furthermore, once you find yourself using any one of the different “webhosting sites,” you’ll also find out what runs the true internet. (You also need to a lot of research on data assets, your audience, and competitive traffic.) Of course, you shouldn’t expect much of anything except for being unseen and unheard of; it’s very common. You’ve got to be different but the same, and it makes sense to some degree. Unless you’re somewhat lucky, you will not be able to thrive on ad revenue by itself. (YouTube and their systems work very similarly to Google’s, as it is also run by Google!) Thankfully, most domain tools and webhosting websites are easy to navigate. Just know that you’ll be shoehorned into doing things that you do not want to do, too! Unfortunately, it’s part of the ‘magic,’ and it’s never a given.
The 10 Ways That SEO Will Ruin You
7. Creativity
To put it plainly, you obviously don’t have to have your own website to understand the draconian rules of SEO. “Why?” you politely ask. Well, it’s because you’ve got places like Google running video service apps/websites like YouTube as well. (It comes down to reading about it or dealing with it elsewhere.) SEO also tends to ruin your own search results, even though they should be giving you the correct search results. (It’s called an echo chamber!) It’s also difficult to know why you’re struggling or ending up having to fight uphill again. Yes, your creativity will be stifled, and unbound creativity is almost a “simple-minded” endeavor. Everything is hearsay on the internet, and you will hear about having to do it this way or some other way, but it’s often too burdensome to be consistent without having to create a kind of tightrope walk. Unfortunately, creativity is going down the gutter, as just about anyone can write content now with the help of an AI assistant. It’s not to say that decent competition doesn’t exist, but it’s very rare.
The 10 Ways That SEO Will Ruin You
8. Sharing
From my experience, creating content online has always seemed ‘perilous’ and almost inadvisable. (You’re essentially jumping into the hornet’s nest!) In fact, you’ll start of by thinking that you know all about it, but then you’ll later realize that your “cynicism” was right all along. (You’ll know very little, but you’ll then learn a lot more [and it’s often very, very negative]!) Additionally, it’s extremely easy to get yourself suckered online, especially if you’re desperate or dumb. You can obviously overcome this; otherwise, you can feel free to do just about anything else. Of course, there’s a lot of competition, and there’s a lot of maintenance! And just like any number of jobs or work, you’ll run into issues. Now, finding ways to finally gain enough traffic or viability can seem impossible at first, and you may even believe that there’s something wrong with your content. (It doesn’t matter if it’s on Google, Facebook, or YouTube!) Likewise, it can be video or written content. After all, you need to share anyway, but most sites rely on ‘Ad revenue.’
The 10 Ways That SEO Will Ruin You
9. Time
Unfortunately, you can be 3 to 4 years into making your website and still not understand the “ropes”; this is also a common complaint. Just because you didn’t know doesn’t mean that your complaints are not valid, as you’re still likely to struggle in spite of it. (“Controversial” topics, as a writer, can always be blacklisted.) It doesn’t necessarily require a lot of micromanaging, but it depends on your work ethic and expectation, too. You can obviously get lucky or have an audience of folks already! You’ve even got websites like TikTok, Twitter, and even Instagram that tend to ‘glorify’ the least common denominator. (Of course, it’s also about already being famous.) Of course, indexing on other websites is said to be easier (e.g., Yahoo, YouTube & Bing.) They’re obviously an alternative, albeit with much a smaller audience. However, it’s about reaching further, and you might still be missing some people in between those cracks. So, unless you’re willing to fork over money and a lot of time, it may not be advisable to create a website!
The 10 Ways That SEO Will Ruin You
10. Misinformation
When push comes to shove, what works for some may not work for you or others, and there’s always a lot of inexperience and misinformation floating around the World Wide Web. It can also be the smallest “unknown issue” that is obstructing you from gaining either organic, indirect, or referred traffic lanes. (It’s important to know where to look and what to look for, so be sure to use this as a guidepost for your skepticism.) At times, it may even feel as though everything is working against you. (Some people enjoy sabotaging others with intention.) Of course, you might even see some good information, but it’s all often hidden in the dirt as well. (People also tend to hoard the entire audience with other means of gaining attention.) What’s the point, right!? Well, everyone can be trying to take a dig at you, and the hackers and malware make it no easier. Now, it’s on you to make a difference, but outside interference can be to blame as well, no matter how insignificant it is. And just be sure to realize that you are often on your own!
The 10 Ways That SEO Will Ruin You
As you can see, there are plenty of ways to ‘use’ and “abuse” the system; however, there are also plenty of ways to be screwed over by it. Of course, the point of this article isn’t necessarily to tell you what to do, but it is right here to help relay some of those glaring frustrations with the internet systems at play. (There’s almost always greed, selfishness, and resentment at the center of it all.) You might even think that I may be emotionally guiding and preparing you for the worst. Unfortunately, there’s always a fine line that you must tread, be it with your video or written content. Although it sounds harsh, it’s still relevant to the truth, especially when it comes to your SEO score, traffic, etcetera. In the end, it’s a game of subversion and coercion, and it’s extremely frustrating to have to deal with it. When it comes down to it though, you will have to deal with it. Just be sure to keep the freaks — the pests online — out of the closet, because they will make it worse. And, at least for the most part, we then have ourselves something.
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