The 10 Ways to Leave Your Relationships
Everyone wants to end a relationship at some point in their life; people cannot help themselves. Of course, this can come in the form of a romantic involvement or a simple friendship without any of those “real salacious benefits.” People will come and go, and there’s not much you can do with the remedial, damning outcome. In turn, this means that we may have to take matters into our own hands, which is something that we cannot really avoid anyway. We’re always taking the fall and considering the outcome of our rejections; however, we always find that we will make these tough decisions anyway. However, with this in mind, these are the 10 ways to leave your relationships (remarkably), so why stop at just one.
The 10 Ways to Leave Your Relationships
1. Bluntness
Well, you can simply tell the other persons to go and screw themselves; there’s no truly better outcome for this … . Furthermore, if you’re feeling even friskier, then you can take the easy route by telling everyone in your life to do the same thing just so that you can make a stern point. (People will simply hate you back to cope better.) In fact, it gets the job done, and there’s very little impact on you other than possible feelings of guilt and/or remorse. Although, to make this even better, the other person(s) will understand, and the feelings of shock will just writhe away into obscurity without being noticed.
The 10 Ways to Leave Your Relationships
2. Kindness
If you want to ease the edges of despair just a little, then you can simply tell a person that you want to move on. Although, while you’re sitting around and feeling good about yourself, you will probably understand that there are consequences. They will obviously understand this as a rejection, but you will have been kind at least. Of course, there aren’t many “better” ways to get this done (that will do you any good), mostly. (It’s always a choice to make when others are an undue burden on you.) However, your definition of kindness and how you go about approaching this make a inexplicable difference!
The 10 Ways to Leave Your Relationships
3. Dishonesty
There are always better ways to be honest with someone, but you can always choose to be emotionally dishonest. (People only hate being lied to once they have actually found out — there’s no way around the facts.) Of course, this is just another simple route to take when trying to be nice; however, who’s to say that the entire truth must be involved. You always have to consider the outcomes, and being a conniving, two-faced liar is certainly one of them, especially if it got you here to begin with. And when the time comes to take responsibility, you simply have to lie your way out of it again. After all, why not, right?
The 10 Ways to Leave Your Relationships
4. Creativity
When it comes to hurting people’s feelings, there are some creative ways around making your lover or friend extremely upset (or the other way around). This can obviously involve moving away or sending them a discerning card in the mail; it’s a good way to “ghost” them. If you want to be extra creative, then you can make them think that you’re still in a relationship with them by sending them long-distance phone calls. However, if you want to show that you can be the most creative person in the world, then you will likely have to do it through some form of remediated artwork; this will surely show them.
The 10 Ways to Leave Your Relationships
5. Moderation
There’s room to say that if you want to let go slowly, then you can do it with some “moderation.” You may not even want to let go entirely, as this would, at least subjectively, not display moderation. Of course, sitting down and talking with your loved one in a controlled environment is always key. And, for example, you can always meditate together and then leave while their eyes are still closed. It’s also the perfect ending to a perfectly imperfect relationship. After all, there’s no real reason why the other person has to see you go, and you may have even been chocked up as an hallucination the entire time, too.
The 10 Ways to Leave Your Relationships
6. Comedy
If you wish to be a goldmine of hilarity and cold lightheartedness, then you may find that a comedic approach to letting go is something worth considering. You are the only one who can do it; however, to whom will you do it to, right? Although it seems rather harsh, laughing off a stressful situation can be rough and tough, and, at times, people may not see eye to eye with you. Of course, the joke that your relationship ended up being must be funny enough to convince “the other” that everything was worth an honest laugh to begin with. Otherwise, you may find that they see you as completely disrespectful.
The 10 Ways to Leave Your Relationships
7. Death
When all else fails, you can always choose to fake your own death. This is another way to be dishonest, but it’s also a thing of its own. You may also have to consider that dying or someone else being eliminated is a worthy prospect to contemplate. In fact, nothing truly works out like a tragic end to a relationship — think about Romeo and Juliet — that needed to end anyway. So, when all else fails, you can do a list of things: use the pillow, create a distraction, or lose your temper. And crimes of passion actually exist for a reason, so you may also see yourself on the cruddy side of that special beating stick.
The 10 Ways to Leave Your Relationships
8. Generosity
If you want to display unbound generosity, then you can give your special friend an exiting gift before they leave. In fact, just think of it as a form of gaslighting that will properly put an end to your interpersonal misery. Just like when people decide that you need to bring gifts to a party, you can end with a gift before those nasty afterparty shenanigans. Of course, it may just be another way of being “kind”; however, you also have to understand that you can convince them that you’re doing yourselves a favor. And there’s nothing wrong with letting them know that you care after that special breakup.
The 10 Ways to Leave Your Relationships
9. Enlightenment
We all know about the age-old excuse about finding a god and borrowing the tenets of a religion. Thankfully, it has always worked well enough; although, we may find that, at times, it’s not the overall best excuse. (Whatever religion you choose doesn’t truly matter, as every faith has its own set of reasonable excuses, etcetera.) However, with this in mind, just think of it as a last resort option that you may have to consider to make the end of your relationship count. You can even mention that you have to go on a missionary tour around the world that comes without a guarantee that you will ever come back home.
The 10 Ways to Leave Your Relationships
10. Disappear
If you want the “easiest” and/or hardest way to get away from your former colleagues, then you can simply move away with or without the other person(s) knowing. It works as a great escape; however, it may also cost you a lot of money to get the hell out of dodge. Although, if you’re feeling a little more risqué, then you can leave right in front of them without any pretense whatsoever. “How does this work?” you ask. Well, it comes down to you having the balls to make a difference in your life without relying on others. You see, even if they’re in your way, you can simply fess up or go on without a care at all.
The 10 Ways to Leave Your Relationships
As you can truly tell, there are no shortage of ways to get yourself out of harms way. Whatever it may be, i.e., avoiding an abusive loved one or keeping the peace, you can avoid those looking to keep you coddled and/or worried. Unfortunately, the best thing about it is that you can only run so far before the consequences begin to stack up. However, not only will you see yourself free of further obligation, but you will also see that you can run away from just about any issue. (It’s a principled stand that requires nothing but your willingness to take care of whatever happens to bereave way too much.) Thankfully, with some time, you will begin to own up to yourself, and the world will be a better place for it.
The 10 Ways to Leave Your Relationships
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