Just about everyone has a life, and just about anyone can do with this life what they please. Of course, there are certain limitations that can get in the way, but who’s to stop us! Why not be selfish, and why should we avoid being irresponsible! In fact, we’re entirely NOT in control of what happens to us, and you could even argue that others have more control over you than you have over yourself. However, we can take some precaution when it comes to our personal well-being and the safety of others. Some might even argue that it’s more important to save others even if it means that we put ourselves in precarious danger. In the end, if the point is to shorten or lengthen your life, then you’ve probably come to the right place. (You may be stupidly suicidal or motivated enough to take life into your own hands.) You will get all of the little tips required to make some kind of difference! After all, these are the somewhat guaranteed and 10 fantastic ways to make your life shorter, but it doesn’t always end that way … .
The 10 Ways to Make Your Life Shorter
1. Alcohol (Drugs)
When you drink, you shorten your lifespan! (It really is as simple as that!) It does this both literally and “figuratively” in the sense that you can make your life feel shorter while you’re on this so-called liquid drug. Of course, you can end your life suddenly, or you can whittle away at your health until there’s nothing left of you. (There are plenty of other spectacular activities that can do this to you as well.) Now, if this is what you want, then have at it, friends! No one is here to stop you per se; however, many people would argue against it. (Your guess is as good as mine, right?) Although, to make this even more complicated, there are people who do not want this but would find it worth it to drink anyway. Hell, you may even find something really stupid to do or say while you’re under the influence of booze!
Just about everything in your life can make a difference, and this list can go on forever. However, some things will certainly make a difference, but this mention is not the entire purpose of this article.
The 10 Ways to Make Your Life Shorter
2. Risky Behavior
The biggest reason why certain drugs are bad for you is their ability to make you do very stupid things. This is called risky behavior (or business), and many people partake in this activity on a daily basis. Of course, this can obviously include drugs (and alcohol), but why even bother stopping there. The umbrella for such behavior is so broad, and there are no shortage of opportunities to make things worse. Now, does this mean that you should actively seek out or avoid risky behavior. Well, no it doesn’t, but you should also understand how being risk averse is something that you should consider. “Why?” you ask. Well, it’s the same reason why you should light your clothes on fire or stand next to a toxic waste dump. Unfortunately, there is only so much we can do to be risk averse, at least for the most part. Bad things are likely to happen to you anyway, and there’s only so much we can do to reasonably avoid them.
The 10 Ways to Make Your Life Shorter
3. Selflessness
Being selfless for most people is difficult, because it’s also difficult for many people to understand that others have feelings as well. In fact, the more that you have to worry about someone else, the more likely that you’ll run into stressful dangers that put you at risk. Can this shorten your life. Yes, it certainly can! There’s nothing wrong though, and our value judgment can even come into conflict with what is commonly expected. After all, saving someone else can mean that we’re saving ourselves from further danger, but we can then argue that we’re selfishly motivated (for the most part). Anyway, regardless of the semantics, being a selfish jerk is more than likely going to keep you alive longer. Just be sure to not step over too many boundaries, because you might just find out that it’s not always the case.
The truth isn’t really that interesting, especially when you cut through the crap and look at the relatively basic ways that life and the universe essentially function.
The 10 Ways to Make Your Life Shorter
4. Worry
Just about every subject can be tied together (compounded) and talked about nigh-endlessly. We can obviously worry about every last detail, but what’s the point in that. Of course, we can choose to allow this to horribly bother us, or we can learn to let it go. (People can struggle from all kinds of worry, i.e., anxiety and depression.) Unfortunately, worry isn’t that simple, and you may even find yourself not “worrying enough.” At this point, we can say that being without any concern can get you killed as well, but that’s not quite the point of the article. Anyway, in spite of this, it depends on how we contextualize our worry; anxiety can create situations where you avoid risk. At the same time, you can create a burden that becomes so irrational that it ends up having a negative effect anyway. Especially if you’re avoiding the concern, you could be making it worse by also not allowing yourself to do what is necessary. Although, we can also mention how irrational some worry can be — it’s uncomfortable!
The 10 Ways to Make Your Life Shorter
5. Bad Hygiene
Although worry is often rational, there are reasons to believe that some things shouldn’t cause it. Of course, we can think about brushing our teeth, but it doesn’t mean that we should worry about it until we have neglected our responsibilities. At the same time, we should always worry about having good hygiene when it comes to the “bigger picture.” However this is mostly a matter of “subjective” perspective, but why not simply understand that our subjective facts are just a threshold of our actual reality. Additionally, we can also mention that — no matter what the circumstance happens to be –what you choose to do can shorten your life. Unfortunately, at least to the vast majority of people, accepting any kind of responsibility beyond oneself is daunting. After all, all we can do is worry bout the small things in life that have to do with brushing our teeth and eating a healthy diet. (People avoid this as well, and we can argue that some things will not necessarily help.) However, a good diet can help!
The 10 Ways to Make Your Life Shorter
6. Apocalypse
We can all acknowledge that our life is a haphazard string of events (or simply a process of things occurring), and just about any and everything can make or break it all. Although, at the same time, there are certain things that will guarantee that our life will end without any second thought — the apocalyptic mindset comes to mind. (Think of all of your favorite movies!) Of course, we can try to pinpoint the specific even, but we can also holistically understand how these statistical facts are not always *that* relevant. “What does this mean?” you ask. Well, it means that details matter, but we should only focus on them practically (for the best outcome possible). Yes, this essentially means that you should always think somewhat negatively to help preserve at least some kind of common decency, detail, and relevancy! In spite of this, we can certainly say that most people do not necessarily look at things this way, but they can certainly understand how a disaster event, i.e., comets or volcanic eruptions, can happen.
The 10 Ways to Make Your Life Shorter
7. Never Learn
An old wiseman once said, “Once you’re dead, it doesn’t matter how you perished.” And although there is some truth to this, there’s no doubting that the suffering of death (and during life) does play a role. “What role?” you ask. Well, it has the role of prevention, and this prevention can help people understand how to stop specific events from happening again. Of course, there’s also room to say that we should not always carry the burden of constant self-deprecation and/or caution so that we can find a functional way to live. However, at the same time, there’s far too much that we can learn while living our pitiful, monotonous lives. It’s just too bad that this also means that way too many people will get away with living a “relatively” longer life. Unfortunately, we’ll often miss certain lessons; however, we can always choose to learn more. Anyway, regardless of this being a subtly moot point or not, we should strive to learn because of it serving no functional purpose beyond knowing the best way to die.
The 10 Ways to Make Your Life Shorter
8. Being an Optimist
You see, far too many people have an optimism bias because of their lack of critical thinking ability or something even worse like … . What could this be? I don’t know! But we should always consider the following: people suck, the world blows, and everyone is out to get you. Anyway, while we forget about that little tangent, we should actually understand how being a pessimist helps you. In fact, being an overt optimist is probably the way to look at it, and it often gives you room to expect the best. This can “obliviously” come from years of acceptance, or it may come from your desperation and lack of resistance. Of course, being a pessimist can mean all sorts of things as well, including mental disability (e.g., anxiety or depression) and other negative life experiences. We could obviously include both, but this would be a waste of my writing time, mostly. However, we can also say that focus IS optimism.
The 10 Ways to Make Your Life Shorter
9. Suicide
While you’re just sitting around and making your life intentionally worse, you could simply decide to end it all … for good. Of course, one experience may be worse than the other, but it’s really only a matter of time before we bite the formidable dust anyway. ( No one is telling you to do it, but this is also a springboard for knowing how to avoid the worst.) We all have reason to do it, and many of the previous items on this list may even elude to it. The path of “least” resistance obviously works, but it’s also incredibly hard to do it. Again, there are easier ways to do it, and you owe nobody anything when it comes to your life. Think about it and everything else you can avoid! I mean, diseases are never fun, and they may even prove to be another form of extinction event that could end all life on earth.
No one is telling anyone to commit suicide! And you cannot fast-forward your way to the future! It wouldn’t necessarily make a time difference anyway.
The 10 Ways to Make Your Life Shorter
10. Understand the Truth
The truth sucks, and many people can come to this conclusion … . However, there are also far many people who come to a different “truth” that sucks just as much as the actual truth. Of course, it can come in the form of religion or even someone’s desire to confront the subject of their unrequited affection. How do others do this? Well, it comes down to ignorance and denial! And to be quite frank, there are just far too many stupid people, even amongst the people who you think are very smart and/or intelligent. You see, there is an actual truth, and the process that dictates our emotions and personal thought patterns have an objective presence as well. There’s nothing that we can do to change this, and it’s also true that whatever the truth is, at least personally, most things will likely suck most of the time. After all, we’re selfish individuals with selfish, needless ambitions controlled by the crapiness of evolution.
The 10 Ways to Make Your Life Shorter
There you have it! These are the 10 fantastic ways to make your so-called life shorter. Of course, this entire article can be seen as an anti-drug and/or suicide rant, but there are aspects of cynicism aplenty to discover as well. (There’s truthful satire involved in just about everything that we do.) Regardless, your mental health/disorders may come into consideration, but your job, hobbies, and laziness will also come into play as well. Be it the desire to make a positive change or not, you may find yourself dying for absolutely no reason (out of nowhere). However, there’s always a reason, but language may provide a loophole for useless nihilism to take its place. At that point, you should understand that your life will play out as it has been determined from the beginning. There’s only so much you can do, and you will never be able to find out otherwise. Thankfully, we can do things to make our existence relatively longer, and we can understand what can make a difference. In the end though, we’re all playing dead.
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