If we’re even slightly capable of being at all honest with ourselves, then we should also understand how we can destroy our relationships. Of course, it doesn’t matter if we’re talking about friends or family, because just about anyone can struggle to maintain one or many of them. (Relationships, be them family or friends, are often hinged upon an unremarkably weak and/or wobbly foundation.) In spite of your status as a blood relative or not, you may actually find yourself “drifting” away from someone or maliciously isolating yourself. Now, it’s not to say that neglect has nothing to do with it anyway, but why not try to get along. (And it’s not so easy to simply let go, at least for some people.) In the end, it’s not very difficult to create a rift in your family dynamic or “friend circle.” And, for the most part, a lot of this is for dubious reasons and often difficult to reclaim. Thankfully, although it sounds like a wild longshot, there are a ways to improve this situation with some help. And these are the 10 ways to ruin your family!
The 10 Ways to Ruin Your Family
1. Politics (Pile of Dicks)
The world is filled with ravenous peril around every sharp turn, but why should we allow this to get in the way of family and friends. Of course, it can boil down to humans being INSIDIOUS ‘creatures of habit’ who find difficulty in making their points. Or it can simply come down to human beings not knowing how to get along with others. (It’s no mystery that political discussion is a fruitless, messy topic, especially when you’re not friends or family.) Unfortunately, the expectations that we have on family members, unknowing or not, can create an even more scandalous. It can even ruin friendships to the point that you may even believe that they were never your friend to begin with. (Them never being your friend is certainly possible; however, family members shouldn’t be considered friends … .) Although, to be honest, your family should not be given the benefit of the doubt! And, even though politics can be an absurdly important subject to some folks, it shouldn’t tear people apart. Unfortunately, it does, and it’s for the best.
The 10 Ways to Ruin Your Family
2. Relationships
If we’re going to discuss the worst parts of any relationship, then it’s that part of your “relationship” with someone else who can’t tolerate other specific people. (Political disagreements [and fights] should be avoided, and discussions about other folks are no different.) For example, a certain blood relative doesn’t like your relationship with someone else, i.e., your boyfriend or girlfriend. Even if the person is nice, caring, and enthusiastic, you will find someone throwing the knob at them. (It’s not to say that others can not find others despicable for a good reason; however, it’s typically malicious.) We’re also talking about the times that someone wrongfully gets it wrong and does horrible things to justify it. There’s simple never a good way to do this, and it’s almost always a sign of exclusivity and aggressive harm. Now, certain people dislike others, and that other person may, in fact, be the problem. (Your judgement can mean everything, of course.) Just understand that, despite the reason, a relationship can destroy a lot of things!
The 10 Ways to Ruin Your Family
3. “Bad” Habits
Everyone can “have” a family, be it an actual family or a volleyball with a face painted on it! However, not everyone has an actual family, especially if we’re talking about one that cares. To make matters even worse, you can make your family life a living hell because of simple habits! Be it your hygienic practices or the fact that you yell on the phone, you may struggle with keeping others around. Even if you’re irreparably stuck in a financial pickle, some people may find reason to extradite your ‘pathetic’ a** to the homeless shelter (or mental institution/facility). Now, is this always justifiable? No! However, it may be something that someone is looking to do to you or someone else. It’s happened before and it will happen again. Of course, some people are simple unfair, and it’s something that you will likely run into anyway. Along the way, it’s something that becomes a cornerstone of your life; however, it’s not always THAT great of a thing to deal with. Unfortunately, the circumstances that have created our life will dictate this …!
The 10 Ways to Ruin Your Family
4. Drugs & Alcohol
When you find yourself drinking or drugging way too much, you may also find yourself at the shitty end of a disappointment stick. Of course, it boils down to who you’re disappointing, and it’s never a good idea to make others worry about you. (This obviously depends on your intentions and the situation more than anything.) However, it doesn’t really matter if it’s your intention or not, because you should also consider that others suffer a lot from the maligning side effects of your impulses. And most ‘meaningless’ drivel from others tends to be about superficial things (e.g., your looks, passions, or capabilities). Unfortunately, if you are disappointing someone, then the circumstances are all laid out for you — the end result is ‘disappointment.’ “Yeah, but is it always for good reason?” you curiously ask. Well, if you are doing something bad and said person is concerned, then their heart is probably in the right place! Thankfully, you can reverse this; however, some people never have the chance because of an addiction … .
The 10 Ways to Ruin Your Family
5. Finances
To whom it may concern, a huge side effect of your incessant, compulsive nature — most of this list — can come down to your finances. Of course, your struggles can be caused by your personal and so-called finances, or your finances can be created by your inability to keep yourself ‘calm, cool, and collected.’ And this obviously works both ways a lot of the time; however, what can it do to make your family life more difficult. Well, it can do a lot of dastardly things, including ruining your marriage, losing your children, and stirring up your already questionable reputation. (These circumstances are not always fair, but they can certainly instigate some ‘pressing’ issues.) Although, for what it’s worth, you may be looking to send a slip in! And it’s always great to consider how you can avoid these problems to begin with. It’s just too bad that most people tend to discipline through their own emotional faults and insecurities rather than fixing the actual issues in their life. In the end, though, it’s almost always better to work through issues together!
The 10 Ways to Ruin Your Family
6. Ethical Standards
When push comes to the inevitable shove, you’ll find that ‘family’ is often driven by a lack of principle and “morality.” Unfortunately, the so-called perceived sarcasm is true, and it makes any “ethical” shituation that much worse. (Your family may even ostracize you for having an issue that is extensively beyond YOUR control.) Of course, they’re allowed to have problem with you, especially if you’re creating a plethora of issues for them. Weirdly enough, the sophomoric set of issues here is that people are often very defensive about what they personally believe in! Now, is this kind of “guidance” always good!? Well, it’s certainly not always driven properly. And there’s room for criticism, be it towards you or someone else, for creating conflict through unabashed censure or destruction. After all, it’s good to have conflict, i.e., conflict resolution, albeit just a little bit, though. (How else are you going to solve unresolved problems without it.) Although, it would still to be preferable to not have those conflicts and absurd reactions to begin with!
The 10 Ways to Ruin Your Family
7. Affair
You can obviously generalize with just about anything these days, and those scapegoating rationalizations appear to be everywhere. Yes, everyone is a duplicitous jerkoff, and you may struggle to find someone whom you can relate to, at least “personally.” (Everyone struggles with this, even if it’s just a little, tiny bit.) We can obviously look at motivations, people’s reactions, and the person creating these problems for themselves and/or others. After all, the “end result” is the end result; however, what is it, and who is in the wrong, right? Of course, one of the worst things that you can do to a specific person (and to others) is cheating. Duh! Having an affair, after all, can create a lot of problems for others around you — it’s homewrecking behavior, apparently. Its worst aspect are that it can destroy a marital family in half; it can and will create other problems, too. And, at least for the most part, this is never good, let alone great or a sign of dedication. So, why not! It works via your way out of the house; however, finding back in is broken!
The 10 Ways to Ruin Your Family
8. Expectations
People tend to exaggerate a lot of different things in their lives, and it’s no different in a relationship. (This also boils down to their exuberant aspirations and expectations.) When someone in a relationship is dishonest about something in their life, the “other” may find some silly, vacuous reason to become upset. (This includes infidelity, broken promises, etcetera.) Of course, it can be something as superficial as genitalia or someone’s height! This stuff, at least to many people, does not matter all that much; however, it can become a considerable problem for some. “Yeah, but are they actually allowed to have these problems?” you curiously ask. Well, yes, they certainly are allowed to have them, unfortunately. Thankfully, your personal excommunication is not always the issue. And standards OR sexpectations tend to be aligned with just about everything else on this list. Although, it does deserve its own place on this list for one good reason … . (You can actually include several, but it is its own thing … an emotional backdrop … .)
The 10 Ways to Ruin Your Family
9. Attitude
We’ve obviously been discussing how YOU can ‘ruin’ your family, but what about someone else doing the same thing. (What about how you can be the one on the so-called offended list, the one who is pushing someone else away.) Now, the worst part about family and friends are their petty resentments and crude, almost unwieldy desires. Unfortunately, “humans” (or simians) are often driven by irrational worldly desires, i.e., purposes, and this ends up creating some conflict with the ‘code’ that has created us to begin with. (The answers are never quite as good as the questions lead you to believe.) It works, hence there should be a good answer. (Yes, it’s certainly true, but not in the ways that you would understand with any kind of satisfaction.) Thankfully, we can be unbiased and even display unconditional love! And even though these reactions are not entirely rational, they’re somewhat redeemable. It’s just that our attitude problems are generally on the bad side, and how we react to them, be it good or bad, is not always good.
The 10 Ways to Ruin Your Family
10. Religious Beliefs
Just because you are “being yourself” does not mean that you can get away with everything around you. And although someone’s “heart” may be in the right place, they may also have some of the wrong information or methods of execution. (We may not always deal with problems correctly.) Although, in the end, it can boil down to a lot of things, but it can also come down to anyone being a problem to someone else. Of course, one of these massive problems is religion; it’s perpetuated by ignorance and desperation. However, allow me to preface this with a little list: religion is bad, crude, and absurdly incorrect. And even if there are some “unquestionable” good or decent things about religion, these same things are also undeniably malicious and crude. (Even though you’re correct, your family will believe otherwise.) Although, this can work both ways, even if no one deserves it. Just be aware of religion and its affect on others! It can honestly break apart any family or group of friends because of the ‘silliest’ reasons.
The 10 Ways to Ruin Your Family
As you can obviously see, there are a lot of ways to ruin your lovely family dynamic, be it around friends or precious relatives. And, just like you can’t have an effect without a cause, you can ruin just about anything to any degree. People’s reactions can be different, but they can also be reasonable or out of line. Remember, it’s not always about how you can ruin a family, because it’s also about how others can as well. At the same time, your vigilance towards someone else’s bad habits can also become the real problem, even if you mean well. In fact, an old wise man once said, “The positive in life is not acceptable if the negative is part of the bargain, too.” But that burden is on you, and its “blatancy” is often unresolved. Yes, some things are more “justifiable,” but rationalizations are always used in spite of this. Although, despite this, you can always do better. Not only is this bad, but there’s always more! And the more that you fight, the more that conflict exists. It’s just that some people are “better off” alone or pushed away … .
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