It doesn’t matter if you’re saving a squirrel, chipmunk, or a human being’s life, because every living thing/creature holds value through a thing called sentience, e.g., feelings and consciousness. (There are organisms that probably have a more limited consciousness; although, it doesn’t mean that they do not feel pain and pleasure.) Of course, we can go down into the rabbit hole of hell just to find every single way to save a specific creature or even plant from a situation. However, we must also understand that even though something is technically alive through its building blocks, it does also mean that it’s a living, breathing (conscious) organism. And, at least if we’re to look at things logically, it’s every human’s responsibility to use their brain to actually understand this truth. In fact, the world is not your personal and solipsistic oyster to run — this is important! What’s also important to grasp is that you can do certain things to “help” others. In the end, these are the 10 ways to save someone’s life correctly.
Every single “thing” with a consciousness is important and worthy of helping. However, the semantics required to make this point is not necessarily the most important part of this equation.
The 10 Ways to Save Someone’s Life
1. Talk
Even though something doesn’t happen until it happens, it doesn’t mean that we cannot and should not try to understand a situation and/or its *likely obvious* probabilities earlier on. It’s also a glib and obnoxious thing to do — undermining someone’s negative outcome — when you can always do more than … . (Why not give it a try, right?) Just about any number of things can alter the outcome of a circumstance, but there are times where you know that you made a difference. Maybe it was someone else, but we can also see how we can make that difference that puts someone over the edge, be it in a good or bad way. It’s also important to grasp how talking with someone (or giving a gift) may give a person some kind of ‘hope’ regardless of what the outcome ends up happening. And with this in mind, we should always try to lend a hand when someone needs it! This may even seem inconvenient to you, but bickering about what can and should do doesn’t take away from the obligation provided.
The 10 Ways to Save Someone’s Life
2. Listen
We could probably argue about how certain animals struggle more than the average human, even though they suffer through shorter, more simplistic lives. (They also may feel more sensual pleasure and pain because of their lack of language and localizations.) This is a part of the issue, and, oftentimes, “saving” something means putting them out of their misery. In fact, the truth often sucks, but it doesn’t mean that we have to succumb to it by becoming its personal servant; this is always the easy way out. (People tend to always choose the easy way out — it’s selfishness.) However, when push comes to shove, just about everyone would be somewhat accountable for endless amounts of torment (e.g., you begin to see the evil and morbid sides of existence.) At this point, we can see how personal people’s lives have to become so that they can persist without having to take responsibility. With this in mind, we must also look at the argument of consent and how this is relevant to the subject, and you should always listen.
The 10 Ways to Save Someone’s Life
3. Do Right
Even though it’s insane that a lot of people use the excuse of “plant consciousness” to rationalize their meat-eating habits, we can also understand why they do it. (There’s always the mention of human intelligence, but it essentially boils down to a humancentric addiction.) In fact, people tend to have a rough enough time accepting the truth; they tend to bend with their own misguided principles. And although people tend to do wrong, they’re likely to at least want to believe that they’re doing the right thing. Of course, you should always take the initiative to do right even though it may not make much of a difference. Unfortunately, some people couldn’t care less, and they’re also providing themselves with rationalizations to make their lives easier. In fact, your actions often speak louder than your words, and this, in turn, allows you to lead by example. It doesn’t matter if you’re leading those who are suffering or perpetrating — we all struggle. Despite this, teaching people a lesson is crucial to improvement!
The 10 Ways to Save Someone’s Life
4. Learn
Convincing and listening to the struggles of others is important, but it’s essentially about having a rational conversation with someone. Of course, the “constructive” conversation doesn’t always have to be kind, but it’s always a worthy addition to a pep talk where no one can be rational. (Some people need to be heard, and others need action to make a difference in their life.) However, there’s also room for learning, which means that you are going to be using that “big” brain of yours. Why should I do this?” you ask. Well, it’s important to learn, and using your brain to strictly scheme your way through existence is no way to leave your mark of responsibility. (You should also learn things that can directly and physically saves someone’s life.) Unfortunately, far too many people struggle with using their brains in the right way; there are too many selfishly-guided lessons to learn during life. And when this comes into play, people will find themselves stuck between doing the right thing and their unreasonable principles.
The 10 Ways to Save Someone’s Life
5. Take Accountability
When we do something wrong, we can always save ourselves and others from a worse situation that could be happening. (Accountability is the catalyst the prevents us from further downfall if we did something wrong and change our minds.) In full, even when you don’t take full accountability, you should always understand that what you did was the wrong thing to do. (You obviously have to take action when someone, including yourself, needs you.) Even when it’s uncomfortable, you should always stick it through until the end. Your personal productivity is key to accepting value in your life, and there’s no one else who can prove your worth other than … yourself. Of course, it’s not always this simple, as just about anyone can use you to their advantage by helping you. Reasons aside, there’s room to believe that you can always make things work by using each other to meet our ends. In fact, we’re always helping someone by helping ourselves, so why not keep ourselves on a tight leash to “avoid that extra damage.”
The 10 Ways to Save Someone’s Life
6. Take Action
If we take where this subject can go to its absolute extreme, then just about everything would be situational & almost entirely up in the air. Of course, just about everyone can make a difference to some degree when we choose to do something; however, this change may also come into conflict with “saving” more lives. (It seems like an excuse to avoid having to face personal trauma, but this hypothetical is also very much the TRUTH.) For example, there are plenty of things that you can do to prevent a heart attack, but you can always save “more” theoretical lives this way by becoming a doctor. (Although it seems difficult to grasp, this understanding can drive us further from the truth, but it also obligates us towards doing more of the right thing.) However, there are plenty of tried and true methods to fixing problems; everyone’s generality is easy enough to talk about. What’s even easier to talk about is that if more people were to take action, the less likely that we are going to run into problems. Although, is it worth it?
The 10 Ways to Save Someone’s Life
7. Understand the Regret
While we’re sitting around and debating whether or not something is possible or worth it, we could be doing something that’s immediately and overall better. (We can always consider how it’s worth it to ourselves [selfishly] or how it’s worth it as a whole [altruistically].) Furthermore, we should always think of the common good; however, it’s not always personally practical, at least for the most part. Although, it’s very practical if we’re willing to do something for the “greater good,” especially if we have the means to ignore the obstructions. Thankfully, the “worst” part about something bad happening to someone else is the regret that happens afterwards, the feeling that we could’ve done better. Of course, we can always feel guilty about someone, but we can also understand how this doesn’t fix the problem directly. (Survivor’s guilt can make things worse!) Unfortunately, far too many people rely on their negative feelings to get them through life without having to face themselves head on. (It’s where the truth lies!)
The 10 Ways to Save Someone’s Life
8. Avoid Others
When it seems like it’s all going to end, we can always offer small acts of kindness to give ourselves what we want. Although, there’s also the perspective that we can make things better by bowing out of situations, especially if we’re to personally benefit from them. (It’s not always worthy of principle, but saving ourselves from the concern through avoidant behavior can be seen as saving others or ourselves, too.) There’s also the fact that we are mostly bound by our own perspective; we are personally inconvenienced, but an end is still easy or preferable. (These situations are often hard to pinpoint, but they’re not entirely hypothetical.) You may help a little to begin with, but then you ask for a giant favor in return because of your initial kindness. Of course, there are a lot of people who thrive on helping others, and it’s almost their sole means of self-esteem. However, doing for the greater good involves understanding how other people get in the way and also cause these problems to begin with.
The 10 Ways to Save Someone’s Life
9. Advocate a Cause
The easiest way to become a better person and someone who actually cares (not just for show) is to understand that you can cause an effect, be it good or horribly bad. In fact, lowering your expectations, understanding your bad conditioning, and letting go of yourself selfishness can create more ease. Unfortunately, it’s easier said than done, and we were obviously created without selfishness in mind — we must learn how to become selfless. (We should also understand how advocating for a cause is a major part of the learning process that allows us to understand our motivations.) After all, it’s the same way that we must learn how eating meat is unethical, procreation is selfish, and exercising builds our strength and stamina. Other people can do it, but why shouldn’t we be able to do it all as well! Thankfully, those feelings of remorse that you feel can only hinder your ability to think properly afterwards. And those whom struggle the most are more likely to listen; they’re even more likely to act as well.
The 10 Ways to Save Someone’s Life
10. Expose Yourself
The more that we socialize, the more likely that we’ll run into new people that we will care about and need to help. Of course, this also means that we will more than likely find people who we do not care about (and should help as well). Additionally, if we’re considering their suffering as a cost, we may find that we will have more suffering acquaintances to have concern for. However, just because we do not want them does not mean that we shouldn’t care for them. We obviously will, at least to some degree, but we can also consider how having less friends would benefit us selfishly. Although, this kind of selfishness is more understandable than the act of raping someone. Also, having to levy numerous tragedies that could befall your numerous friends is something worth avoiding, especially if you could easily excuse yourself not being there to begin with. What’s also worthy of notice is the fact that the less friends that we have, the more likely that we will care about them and can help them, but it is always worth the cost.
The 10 Ways to Save Someone’s Life
As you can see, there are no shortage of ways to make yourself useful to someone else. In fact, we can also see how just about any situation can save someone from something. (We can also understand that our often limited perspective can further exacerbate the potency of these perspectives.) Although, we are not here to serve the means of others, but we should always make sure that we can avoid making life needlessly miserable for others. And, if we’re conditioned properly, we can see our uses beyond simply making ourselves happy. It’s not that difficult, and just about anyone can and has done it! However, doing it often, especially when you do not want to do it, is just as important. It also brings to light the perspective of religion or antinatalism and the confusion that these subjects can create. Thankfully, this is what we’re here to talk about, and there are plenty of people who are willing to listen. Just be sure to not hate their guts to begin with, because that’s a hard trance to break out of for the most part.
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