The 10 Worst Excuses People Have
Our own thoughts are beyond us most of the time, and how we react to them is based on our experience and knowledge. Just because we cannot stop ourselves from having unreasonable thoughts, does not make them justifiable. It is always best to do the best we can do, even within the restrictive confines of our existence. These are the 10 worst excuses people have and use to make living their lives easier.
If we look at humans as flawed creatures, then we can find acceptance in them. If we look at them as abusers, then it is a harder to find grace and fragility in their means. Regardless of how you word or look at it, there is a lot to take from your perspective. Not everything that sounds like an excuse is an excuse, but this discussion is unnecessary. We all know that most people struggle with facts because of words, even though the words describe the facts.
This subject goes over many people’s heads, and we end up with bad excuses to poorly validate our just cause. There just so happen to be some excuses that are worse than other excuses, even if they all mean the same thing. It happens to show that some excuses can be used in just about any situation no matter the result. There is the hard truth through objects and objectivity, and there is the subjective ways to look at the subject.
Unfortunately, it does not stop here, as the subject is easy and objectivity is hard. The humancentric desires often get in the way of philosophy and practical thinking. It also makes it hard to look at the truth, even among the most disciplined thinkers. Of course, it really depends on what you are making excuses for, but most people making them are not doing it for good reason; it depends.
The 10 Worst Excuses People Have
1. If I Can Do it, Then You Can too
If we are going to chisel this down to philosophical questions, then we can open a giant can of worms. It happens to be a philosophical, but it can also have practical application. Many people can see the fallacy in these excuses, but it never rings true completely. There is a separation in language and understanding how to truly undermine an excuse. We are controlled by are blind spots and how much we truly have an understanding of the big picture. Even if we understand the simplicity of our statements, we are still given way too much credit for them. This happens while we invalidate each other in the midst of catastrophic failure. People will then force themselves to be okay with their rudeness so that it hurts less in return.
The problem with this is that most people do not think any deeper than you are thinking when saying this crap. If anything, it takes more work to think about how the other person is thinking about a problem. When someone says that you can do it because they can, they are likely making an excuse for themselves. In spite of the trouble they may have caused, you can join them on their mindless adventure. Although it is digging deep into what a few may consider sophomoric, it still lacks addressing another’s competence. While it is not all doom and gloom, this generally describes the effect of simplistic motivation and lousy haphazardness. Although you may be okay with treating others with disrespect, it may not be welcome when it happens to you.
The 10 Worst Excuses People Have
2. If They Did it, Then so Can I.
Most people struggle to understand their own philosophies, which makes them believe certain things. We will struggle to understand something, even when we are not really thinking about it. A lot of people think that people are always projecting or that there is no reason to hate something except for some personal reason. Although this can be true, it is not always the case, as personal experience can lead to better conclusions. The unfortunate truth involves explaining this to most people because of their lack of insight and understanding. We are all trying to give benefit of the doubt responses, and we can occasionally stumble across the right or better answer.
People are typically ignorant in understanding their own motivations, so they may begin to think that others share them. Everyone here is thinking through a world full of nigh-endless possibilities, but they barely give credit to the better options. While it can come down to lackluster information and a lack of education, we are living in something a little more complicated. This is not to say that everything is possible, as it is not, but how things can be broken down is astronomical. If you think that you can do it or should do it because of someone else, be sure to give it more thoughtful consideration. While it is possible to do it, can you really, and is it the right thing to do.
The 10 Worst Excuses People Have
3. My Life is Great, so Yours is as Well
Some of these excuses are not said outright, as they are excuses being made in the person’s head. Without them even knowing it, a person can be thinking a certain way, but the words and concepts go beyond them. If something goes over their head, we can only try to understand this. Others may not even understand something, and it is just so happens to be the way I am listing these excuses. Unfortunately, the smarter you are, the worse it becomes.
It really boils down to people thinking this way and trying to make excuses vicariously through others. Even then, we can still have good intentions, but we can know what they are in spite of ponderous subjectiveness. While this grandstanding is appreciated, it speaks to the problems people have with understanding other brains. The smarter you are, the more you will try to use these words correctly. Even if we are intelligent, we can always use words more wisely.
Everyone is always looking for newer and better answers without realizing that it is needless to keep asking. Sometimes, the answer is right in front of you, but you have to find out that it requires a brain to keep asking. Although it feels good, does it mean it is the best thing to do just because you felt good in the process. Just because the outcome is alright for you, does it mean that it does not have it’s problems when fighting failure. Any reasonable person finds a way to look at the end result for the best possible solution.
To always assume good of or give precedence to a positive message, the motivation is typically undermined. Many people have ulterior motives that even the strongest rationalist can find reason in, even if it lacks discipline. The problem is that most people have too much confidence, even and especially if their ideas are not good. This motivation makes a big difference, and it comes at a cost to everyone, even if you do not mind it.
The 10 Worst Excuses People Have
4. We Can Never Truly Know Anything
Language is the most brilliant gift but also the most useless caveat of human existence. It helps improve and display intelligence, but it comes at a cost. Not only do people get lost in words, you never know how someone else will understand your statements. Beyond the words, many can think about them and believe they know something, but they end up lost in ambiguity.
While it can boil down to personal preference and opinion, we all tend to think that our way is the best. It is inherent in the system of ego we have, but we all deal with it differently, even if it is much of the same. There is no denying that the world and interactions with other beings and objects does us little good. In fact, most other people are causing more problems, regardless of how much we think we need them.
If there happens to be a caveat of something, then it is truly imperfect, even if we can find little definition in it. It should be obvious, but those struggling with nuance end up being a problem for the bigger picture. We are all living and speaking through a reality that has answers, even if the idea seems vague. While we do not have answers in object, we certainly have them in concept.
There is a relationship that exists just as true as two plus two. We can barely be satisfied when being aware of our selfishness so much, and at what point do we become unsatisfied on principal alone. Instead of seeing it as magic or strange, be sure to look at the reasons of how and why. Before long, that magic will become a thing of the past, but mystery is always the allure that keeps us looking for more.
The 10 Worst Excuses People Have
5. There is Nothing We Can Do About it.
While I can relate to not wanting to do things, there is often a lot of baggage that comes from this statement. There is a lot of effort that can go into attempting concern, but this only means you should try harder. The more we know, the less inconsistent we can become with our beliefs, and this consistency can be gained in an assortment of ways. This does not mean that people will not tend to find other ways to make excuses or outright lie about something. It can be interpreted as needless challenge, but this is needed through the unnecessary challenge. There is plenty of problem we go looking for, but it keeps us coming back and looking for more. A desire for precision is key, even if it is hard to see.
Although you can make excuses all day long and it is the point, it does not mean that it is okay to fail. We all have a say in how something works out, even if we never have full control. It just so happens that the determinism has made you frail through inexperience and hardship. This goes in line with thinking that there is no other way to solve a problem, even though there is. We never have the whereabouts to always think it through, but it is there, especially to the experienced. Unfortunately, given the restrictions we have, we can faulter in times where we literally have no time. Although, this is not the case most of the time, and any perfectionism is not even seen as a possibility.
The 10 Worst Excuses People Have
6. I’m Simply too Busy to Have the Time.
There is all of the time in the world, but we barely have time to do it. While we can eventually have the time, life is too short to not do what you want to do now. Each of these claims can be valid in isolation, but philosophy is about connecting all of the dots in a cohesive manner. If you do not do this correctly, you can end up thinking differently and having different levels of principal. This principal is what makes the difference in our day to day lives, from our choices, to what we find acceptable. We all have limits to our understanding, but to make braindead excuses is needless and futile. Most people lack the foresight and critical thinking skills to truly understand what they are condoning. For the sake of their own emotions and selfish needs, they will lazily take the route of least resistance.
Although it is somewhat impractical to overthink everything, it almost becomes easy once you understand the big picture. If someone tells you that they do not have the time, they simply do not care enough about the problem. Even if it does not seem this way personally, this is what it really is at it’s core. There is no way to know everything down to detail, but we can understand why it happened. We are playing a mind game with ourselves, and we end up in a limbo involving others. Unfortunately, there is too much room for error to do this without making concessions. We can only do so much about others, but it is on them as well. While we cannot really change ourselves, and you can certainly change someone else.
The 10 Worst Excuses People Have
7. The World Made Me Do it.
While we can all make clever excuses, some of them seem outright fallacious. Most of the time, people are not even aware of the inherent workings of our reality. Even if they were aware, they still end up thinking that inaction is the only way if we have no control. This same person will end up faltering, as they continue to be motivated through their existence. The problem turns to dust, and they end up deciding to forget how reasonable choice can be made. While we can accept this, we are taught by our reality to have low standards by learning to accept the less than ideal. Although they can make reasonable decisions, any philosophical discussion gets buried under jargon, needless confusion, and hypocrisy.
The philosophy gets shafted as a waste of time instead of a guided learning tool that can actually help. While we can be reasonable in making excuses such as this, it is on us to learn reasonable lessons. Unfortunately, this does not always happen, and it’s hard to find a lesson that does not seem needlessly contrived. At the very least, we can always learn a lesson well, but it was not in the books for us. Those who truly understand our limited freedom will not make these mistakes, even if we are all privy to them. At least you gave it a shot, and at least you do not condone misguided thinking. Even though none of us can be perfect, it does not give us a right to be a complacent with our limitations of foresight.
The 10 Worst Excuses People Have
8. It is Just a Matter of Opinion.
Everyone has an opinion, but some opinions are more valid than others. It may be because one is more factual or because it is understood to be nicer. There is no escaping the fact that there will always be a rock and hard place we are between no matter what we do. Being smart makes this no easier, as intelligence bleeds light onto this stinky bed stain of what perfect should be. If we disagree, we can woefully agree to disagree and move on, as if this is somehow alright. Although it seems like a lot of responsibility, it is the only thing driving us from being the exact opposite.
We are afraid of the slippery slope, but making the hard decisions is coming to a conclusion. Things will always happen a certain way, but reaching it with principal is important. While everything right now seems alright with you, it can always be better in the presence of others. If we all have different opinions, we have to also concede that reaching these conclusions can be hard work. Even writing this seems too inconclusive to me, while we all have to strain between weak opinions and open-ended candor.
Setting these low expectations can be harmful, but understanding where these expectations come from can be difficult. Some people think that certain bad things are okay, but how far is it best to understand this. We can all get caught up in the game, and there are times when things do not stop us from making bad decisions. If someone has a different cadence than you, you can still describe it, even accurately to some degree.
Trying to see through words is always important, as there are laws and rules we can and do live by. While constructive criticism is good, it may take more to convince some people. Others may question it to begin with, but being harsh does little to help someone struggling already. If we do the hard work now, then we can make it better and people smarter for it in the end.
The 10 Worst Excuses People Have
9. You Cannot Change Anything or Anyone
In life, we are all trying to tackle our challenges differently. Some of us like to suffer more for a bigger reward, and others like to avoid this addiction all together. While these desires can be acceptable on their face, the problems become more glaring under scrutiny. This happens to be more so true for humans because of language, but there is still diversity elsewhere. In spite of this, the differences we have make the grief we experience even worse.
There is truly little to defend here, but people get lost in a less encompassing battle. Most of the time, it is okay to make a small mistake, but only because we lack perception. There are some truly impactful things we can know that make all of the difference. It can our biggest pitfall in achieving perfection, but this does not make it any less valuable. The answers are quite simple, but the tiny little changes can make all of the difference.
How people use language is a good example, but it is more of a fault of the people using it. There is no truly perfect way to use language, we are still interacting in a world where things are actually happening. People tend to understand things in small contexts given by this ability, but there is a lack of ubiquity applied. The words we use are crucial, and using them correctly is also important. Most people do not want the responsibility, so why accept any change. It helps them to avoid what they perceive is unmitigated failure through denial.
The vast majority of people still struggle with this, especially the most sesquipedalian of us. Speaking in extremes can make life a little easier at times, but it does little for the truth. While you cannot change anyone, what you end up doing can. There is no you to do the changing, but this does not mean that you cannot do anything about it. Instead of getting lost in wordplay, try to spend your time doing by the truth. This is always the best thing you can honestly do, but not because it is simply the truth. It is because the truth is always the best outcome no matter what.
The 10 Worst Excuses People Have
10. I Did Not Know Any Better
While I can understand being ignorant, I never had the ability to truly experience it. There is always a problem, and anyone with a brain can see it being worth fixing. The problem with most is that excuses and defensive pandering come out of them at lightning speeds. There is never an excuse to not do what is the best, but people tend to overlook this. And there is no doubting that there are better ways to tell the truth.
Some are clever enough to understand that we are confined by our environment, and others barely understand the concept. This can be applied to contradictions and conundrums, where a paradox only exists because of fantastical thinking. Even a product of massive importance can be misplaced because of a logical error. There are only so many things we can do, but there are only so many things we can do to avoid blight anyway. We should always strive to learn the latest and greatest thing to keep us on top, even at the small cost of not watching sports.
Emotions get in the way, and we can end up blaming others instead of making the more mature choice. We are stuck here philosophizing instead of taking suitable action in response to our understanding. For most, this not be the case because of their philosophy being entirely useless. No one may have ever told you, but this is part of the problem. You may not know any better, but this did not stop something bad from happening. If you do not know for sure, then this is a sign to learn more by isolating the facts, even if you think otherwise.
Even if it is hard to live a philosophy, we can still make improvements in understanding it. The more we know of the truth, the more we confine ourselves by it. Even if the truth hurts, it does not make it any better to live in the dark. Believing the right thing or not, you are beholden to the truth in spite of your ignorance. Although there are plenty of wrong things out there, some things are obviously more untruthful than others. No matter how much you are wrong, the facts remain the same, and you cannot change the reality.
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