The 10 Facts of Science
The world of science is an interesting place, and it only gets more perplexing the more you think about it. If you want an answer to how you can get a better solution, then you need not look further than technology. There are plenty of ways to look at it, but it generally offers plenty of “fascinating” theories. In the grand sense of the word and its effect, we can understand just how important it actually is. It may even seem farfetched, but science has a lot to offer. Unfortunately, the enticing land of the living offers very little outcome that seems worth it. In the end, the scientific masterminds will screw you just as much as they help you, and this is only the beginning. These are the 10 facts to understand about science, and it only gets worse from here.
The 10 Facts of Science
1. It’s There to Help
When we are talking about science, the first thing we need to understand is that it helps. Through the tested theories of trial-and-error, we can deduce just about anything. In fact, there are so many things we can gain from simply looking at an invention. This practical science ends up helping us function on a higher level, and the end never seems to come. While there is always reason to hold back for the sake of money or meaning, we still have much to look forward to.
There is an ultimate end to our endeavors, and this comes in the way of our natural limits. An end will be in sight, and this is the extravagant end that we will end up falling in. It doesn’t matter what it is, but it is ultimately a bunch of cords summing up to something greater; however, the greatest gets lost in fair-minded expectation. The creativity can only go so far, and the only thing we can truly do is discover what was there to begin with.
The 10 Facts of Science
2. It’s There to Hurt
Although this is not here to only make science look bad, we have to look at things honestly. When it comes to science and how it works, there are plenty of factors that come into play. We have the meanings of curing cancer, but our limits are often there to self-destruct (or attempting to avoid it). There is little we can do to fix anything, but this is ultimately what we are here to do. Unfortunately, with every good side of science is a bad consequence to take its place.
It may seem like nitpicking, but there is always more to consider. The issues with science stem from the changes they have made, and they can affect us all. It does not matter if it’s big or small, because the problems are everywhere. A good example of this are the advancements made to medical technology … that are often way too expensive. Even if everything goes smooth sailing, there are still problems to consider in the long run. Why? Well, science is dangerous.
Like a bee, we will fight until our inevitable death, even without a stinger. This process will destroy any hopes we have, but the timer has not hit zero yet. In spite of what the end spells for us, the cruelty of science has taken the place of the cruel science of archaic reality — the pretense of helping us. In the end, there is still hope in what we will ultimately accomplish; however, this does little to change the downsides. Although this may have been different before, we are ultimately leading towards futile efficiency. Especially in the modern world, we have little good left to accomplish anyway. This is more reason to quiver your hopes and dreams, but science is ultimately a simplicity hidden in complexity. In fact, the convolution never ends because of humans needing to understand more.
In fact, the end is nigh, and there’s little we can do about it. The more we try to avoid it, the more we end up stifling our ability to get things done. There are inventions like the nuclear bomb, which has shown itself to be a harmful endeavor. We have done little to be responsible for this, and the other inventions have done little else to improve anything. If the intention was to not make something bad, the inevitable creation was used to hurt someone anyway. In all honesty, this is the problem, and we are condoning it. The rules of justice and self-preservation still apply, but where would the problems end then. To start, they would end with us doing nothing that makes all of that negativity worth it.
The 10 Facts of Science
3. It May Get it Wrong
Oftentimes, the words of science are the names that guide us. It doesn’t matter if it is Einstein, Tesla, or someone equally as impressive. Like gurus of the modern age, we follow it because of what someone told us. If we see them in the newspaper, there is no need in questioning their rebuke. In fact, we may even feel a need to adhere to their claims. Although this is not an attack of science or where we are (a bad argument), the deceptive discoveries are nearly inevitable, regardless.
This is exactly what entices us, but the ends in sight only seem as far away as we want it. This mostly comes in the way of theory, but it does not mean that progressive science is not full of mistakes along the way. Everyone makes mistakes, and we often do not realize the hard work and sacrifice that goes into the modern societal structure. Trying to make the whole thing work is a challenge, but it’s too bad that people ruin in with deceitful psychology, human-centrism, and immaturity.
The 10 Facts of Science
4. It May Manipulate You
If we are going to talk about science, then we have to openly discuss how science manipulates you. It can range from playing with your words to toying with your life — it does not matter. The incorrect assumptions or assertions can be used against us, being the product of someone else’s mistakes. If you are not being tested, in spite of ethical training, you are being lied to. Even if you are not wanting to be a lab rat, things are always being put on the line. For the greater good we are always ethically inclined, but this ends up creating problems. While the ultimate demise of the human race is dependent on science as a whole, the end result matters most. This means that we will keep the wheels churning as long as possible, regardless of the costs.
The 10 Facts of Science
5. It’s Full of Wishful Thinking
Talking about science can bring forth a lot of fascinating thoughts and ideas. Along with the grandiosity comes wishful thinking, and it’s more than science can handle. There are failures left and right, and we often find ways to make ourselves rely on it’s fragility. It does not matter if it’s something as silly as a broken keyboard, because now we need to replace it. This can be said for anything, but the scientific method is often damned in the process. With technology comes a plethora of faults, and it never seems to stop. If we want to believe that science will save us, then we may as well change the science to suit ourselves. The theories go far and wide, but there is no avoiding it. Every aspect of our life is on the line, as everything is a scientific pursuit to some degree.
The 10 Facts of Science
6. It Wastes Much Time
To say that science comes without cost is ignorant and needlessly arrogant. If anything costs money, it is science, but who is to say that it is not worth it. A lot of what we gain from science is good, but a lot of this time and money is spent elsewhere. We haphazardly spend it on fruitless efforts or get hoodwinked into believing a dead-end cause. In the end, we not only wasted our distance, because we also wasted out hopes and dreams. The money can be spent better elsewhere. Unfortunately, there are too many people trying to accomplish too many things in the worst, most lazy ways possible. This is why we need to hold their feet to the fire and be more aware of what we are spending our hard-earned money on. In fact, it does not matter if it’s taxpayer money or not.
The 10 Facts of Science
7. It Costs Money
There’s no end to the good that comes with science, but the downsides seem to tip the scale. Even then, as long as science is in the name, we will find a way to make it reasonable. We have things like medical science, aerospace engineer, biochemistry, and even physics. They’re there to explain the world, but it always comes at a cost. You cannot expect anything to be free, but the money spent on science is insanely high. The money often goes nowhere, and the research priorities often get lost. The average person often does little to appreciate the science, and every little step gets overlooked. We take everything for granted, and the product goes to waste. The more we go down the scientific rabbit hole, the more we are putting our own well-being on the line.
The 10 Facts of Science
8. There Are Limitations
No matter how much we try to reach for the moon, the end result will always come up short. Although we can accomplish things with science, the extensive problems with our lives will remain ultimately the same. We can always give it our best shot, but the goal we hit will leave much to be desired. Science, like anything else, is restrained, and no matter what we do, our reality obstructs us. While it seems like there are boundless limits to science, this could not be further from the truth. The world we have built is already coming under fire, but we want little to do with it’s demise. It all seems like common sense until you realize that you have not taken the whole truth seriously enough. In fact, the truth explains that we get lost at the end result even more than on our way there.
The 10 Facts of Science
9. There are Endless Contrivances
If we are going to take current science seriously, then we have to understand it as a business. It is often bought by the richest shareholder, and the answers are often left to wonder. When we give science to the powers that be, we have to understand who takes charge of them. Although we will see the fruits of our arduous labor at some point, it will take an excessive amount of time. In fact, if we got there sooner, where would we all go, and what would we do with it? Afterall, the world of science is chock full of science-fiction, pseudoscience, lunacy, and ego.
Before we even have a chance to see things, the course of action has already been deemed worthy of execution. This means that the least common denominator has been considered, and the price to admission is enforced. The more we want it, the more the corporations will hold it back. If we want to see the future unfold, then we have to be willing to do it ourselves. Unfortunately, we do not have the money or manpower to do it; most science is redundant and useless with or without the “contrived” negativity of these so-called fictitious lies.
The 10 Facts of Science
10. It Leads Nowhere
Like everything else in life, science is pretty stupid and useless. When we want to give it power, it will display it with an overbearing force. Without the contrived purpose that drives it, there’s little that gives it the power cell that it requires. We choose to believe the theories that benefit us the most, and duplicity becomes lost in the adventure along the way. In fact, being alive is the addiction of understandable science that we are all controlled by.
The more we give in to science, the more we are allowing it to own us without acknowledgement. There is no denying that we are all complicit to some degree, but when do we choose to let go. Problems like these have existed all throughout the modern world of science, and it never ends. The applauded minds choose to never give up, and we follow them like no one else. In the end, the wonder drug we are hoping for will leave much to be desired.
Science has taken the place of religion, and now it houses the magical thinking of the masses. The numerous conundrums of reality presented through science and the modern, intelligent expectation are highly “dubious.” Most people, even the scientists, do not want to accept this wishful thinking of theirs. They will lie and play with the truth just as much as anyone else, but the “creativity” never ends. Although not every facet of STEM research is bad, there are too many bad things that come along with it. When reading into what science is as a whole, it is a highly controlled substance waiting to explode. (This is actually a somewhat good thing.) In fact, if we were going to list every problemed fact on this list, there would be endless points to make.
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