The 10 Worst Personality Traits
Everyone has a personality, but not everyone has a personality that everyone personally hates. Although we all have traits to our response mechanisms, not all of us are aware of them. While you can apply these descriptions to others, you can also apply them to yourself. No matter who you are, you are a struggling personality that ends up finding these problems in other people. Since we all suffer from these personality problems to some degree, we are all culpable in the end result. Even though you feel like someone is similar to you, there can still be differences, big or small, that make all of the difference. These are the 10 worst personality traits, and it take some hard work to think they are not worth it.
Although it seems small, the difference can be huge, and even if it is small, the impact can change things. We were all handed a bag of dirt, but some of us had a shovel to carry it. Our emotions and personality derive things truthfully and create cause and effect in our very existent. Every personality trait we have is there for less than glorious reasons, but we should still do what we can in concept. Even if it seems like the same word vomit and getting lost in words, it still holds true, given the subject.
Not all of them are necessarily bad, but there is something bad in origin in all of us. This does not mean that we cannot improve anything, because this is all we have. Some of us do it better than others, but it still ends up not being enough. We all need to have principle, even if the facts make it hard to do so. This is why it is important to do your best to be the best person you can be. While it seems like a waste of time to get philosophical, there is no other honest way to think about it.
The 10 Worst Personality Traits
1. Disagreeable
Being abrasive is a natural response, but just about everything we do is a natural response. Some things may seem more natural than others, but they all have an undeniable natural quality. While some people have a good reason to be abrasive, others are antagonistic for no good reason. The source of this belligerence is unfortunately a side-effect of their characteristic upbringing. We can blame them, but at the same time, we cannot and should not blame them. It really ends up depending on what we ultimately decide to do because of our problems.
In the end, we should try to make less abrasion ourselves, and we should rely on people to be less needlessly disagreeable. They could be doing this for all sorts of good reasons, but this is why it is up to us to be just the same if we have this kind of problem. If someone is telling us to be their little puppet, then that’s when it is generally okay to have a little bit of abrasion. Although abrasion has an origin and makes sense, it can be extremely detrimental. If it’s not entirely needless, it is always better to be agreeable most of the time. Even if it takes some effort, we can find a better way to get someone to our side and display our frustrations. While we think we are not being that person, we are at least being that person to someone else.
The 10 Worst Personality Traits
2. Dishonesty
Being a liar is one of the worst things a person can end up doing and being to somebody else. No matter where you go though, you are going to run into someone selling you some form of snake oil. Someone could think differently about you, or you could be lying about somebody else. You may even know someone who sells little white lies, but they end up being a pathological liar who lies for no good reason.
Sometimes, it is wholly intentional, and other times, it is even unbeknownst to the liar themselves. In the end, a lie is based upon the intentions being honest, but what comes out of their mouth is different. We can all be honest in a better way, but good intentions truly do not matter here. The world is an ugly place where lying at least seems necessary most of the time, and we are busy putting lipstick on the pig. We should ultimately find less reasons to lie, but we should also make it easier for others to not lie by doing the right thing.
Being dishonest is being dishonest, even if you are doing it with a heart of gold. It is not your fault that the person is ugly to you, but you can certainly have been nicer. No one is telling you that you have to be a rude and uncaring person, but you are doing it anyway. There is really little we can do, but this is not a reason to avoid doing what is best. Even if you have a secret to keep, you are simply housing a lie that is just waiting to happen.
This ultimately leads many to the conclusion that there is only one thing that ultimately creates a bad mood. If there is something to fix, we should simply fix whatever it is within us, and that is it. Unfortunately, this is not the case, as most of what we do will end up having or creating some kind of problem. Trying to think of it any other way is a waste, because they had their reasons to do and lie, in the same way you had reasons to be upset. While the liar could have done differently, does it have to bother us so much if they did it. If we teach people to do the right thing to begin with, then lying would not be so prevalent.
The 10 Worst Personality Traits
3. Submissive
No matter what all of us do, we are all going to be submissive to something in our lives. Be it our emotions or to the girl next door, we will find some way to not always be in charge. Things in life were not made so simplistically, and the evolution of it involved too many situations. This is why we have multiple emotions, but the mechanism barely keeps up with the problems it creates.
As we can all see, there is no winning with any kind of personality trait, as they are all a problem and contradict the next one. There is always going to be some kind of conflict, even if we try to resolve it. Sometimes resolving that problem is exactly why another mess happened, but the idea of mess itself is inevitable every single day. It happens to boil down to how much you are willing to handle issues based on your little personable story.
There will be times where someone is submissive and it happens to interfere or cause problems. They could not make it happen, but at least they were being somewhat nice. You could have angered someone into submission, but this barely does any good for the big picture. While being nice is good, being this submissive can end up causing at least a little bit of issue, even if it is the answer sometimes. This displays how submission is a byproduct of having no other options, which is a problem. It also goes to show that our existence was not thought about too credibly, even if it is all have.
There is no winning no matter what you do, but this should not and would not stop you from making a decision. The decision you make is hopefully the right one, but letting things just happen is no good. Pretty much everything we do has problems, but it does not mean that some cannot be explained different than others. While emotions such as this are not necessarily bad or worse, there are downsides; they can be worse for the person and other persons in other ways.
The 10 Worst Personality Traits
4. Loving
Let me explain this one, because at first glance, it may come off as me making love a problem. Again, I have mentioned in all sorts of ways how love is not a real or reasonable emotion. It serves us more than it serves anyone else, but at least everyone can choose to have this feeling. We can all choose to love someone, but it is about as self-serving as self-serve ice-cream. We end up isolating other people who need love, because we feel a need to love just a few people. If we happen to love someone else or have this selfish affection, we will end up breaking someone’s heart. It should not be a problem, because at least we are happy, but do we deserve to be unhappy in our mediocrity.
If you happen to love everyone, then where does that love truly count and is it real. What kind of hard work did it require to put all of those differences aside or accept the tender touch of a mass murderer. Did someone deserve your love, and would someone be better served without your kind of love. There is no real winning this, but this can come down to the conflict that others have within themselves. The fact remains the same that most people will struggle with ever simply accepting anything that happens. While it would be great to put all of our differences aside, it ends up being too much to ask for. In the end, we think that it is better to avoid thinking these things, somehow thinking they make no difference. They make a difference, but why bother when you cannot change anything.
The 10 Worst Personality Traits
5. Irritation
While it seems like I am almost writing down a list of ten commandments, it is no doubt that irritation is on this list. We are all capable of becoming angry, but how much does it ultimately serve us in the end. Some people are sadists, and other people are masochists, but this does not mean that other people are. Just because someone has found a way to alleviate the pain they feel, does not mean that others must. Even the nicest of us have problems like this, and it ends up being our biggest shortcoming. There are kinds of pain that people can find gratification in, but this does not make them like pain. It ultimately serves little purpose and goes to show the issues a person may be dealing with. Any self-actualizing you may have done does not mean others must go through the same exact thing.
When you begin to realize that everything you do is a waste of time, then you may even become more irritated. Before long, you are sitting there and understanding the fact that there is no winning in this silly little emotional game. We can all be happy at times, but the next moment can snatch it all away. This can be the cause and effect of anger, but some of us cannot avoid it. Everyone seems obnoxious to you, and you get annoyed with the sounds that come out of their mouth. Your anger is understandable and is considered a mature emotion, but it can also land you in jail. If being dead or constantly in agonizing pain because of rage is your thing, then keep on having fun. It is not like it is your obligation to not be constantly upset.
Since any kind of rage is the natural extension of annoyance, it should make sense that there is some degree of separation. We should ideally have some control over out anger, otherwise, it can become the worst emotion to deal with. You could be upset with someone who is lazy, but their laziness barely describes their personality or what you are upset about. While this aggression can be seen as a benefit, it ultimately displays itself as another emotion that binds us to a wall. Since we all cannot have emotions that at least seem good for every situation, it is on us to make those unfortunate mistakes.
The 10 Worst Personality Traits
6. Laziness
We all want to sit back and just have that appreciation slap us in the face, but this is not the reality. Knowing that we have to work for this feeling makes attaining it part of the fun. There is no true way to just sit back and relax all of the time and still be able to get things done. I can understand not doing anything and ultimately desiring this feeling, but you can really only do it in short bursts.
There are better ways to do it, but this also does not make every option viable. Everyone kind of knows this, but no one seems to truly understand what it all can mean. Some of us can be lazy, and the rest of us have to work harder than the usual. The effort we put in almost seems like a waste of time, because the payoff seems so lackluster. Even though our beliefs can reflect our inner conflict, there is still much reality to gain from them.
Although this should ultimately change, there is no way to change that some people desire to work more and others will simply work less. Some people are depressed, and others are lazy enough to not know the difference. People process the facts of life differently, but most of these ways are bad ways. There is nothing inherently wrong with laziness, but there is certainly something to fix in it.
While it does little harm, the context of it’s existence does little inherent good. Some people are masochistic with work, but what is the point if we cannot be at least take a break. We all have our breaking point, but it is a fact that some people are addicted to working. Even if it for the wrong reasons, at least they are doing something. This something is generally not enough, but it honestly depends on what they are doing. It should also be noted that any personal problem we have serves as a lesson.
The 10 Worst Personality Traits
7. Negativity
Being negative all of the time can be seen as a liability, at least to the positive people around. Some folks are happy, and other people are generally sad. Being sad is novel and is a part of going through many of life’s grievances. While many of us are dealing with some kind of sadness, there are others who are addicted to their positive and negative emotions. The back and forth rush can seem exhilarating, but it ends up creating more harm without them realizing. It can become a rollercoaster ride that leads some of us into a depression and even fewer into a pit of hell. Very few people truly struggle with some kind of mental disorder, but many of us like to make this an excuse. Sometimes, it’s just to difficult to not make these excuses.
On the other side, you can be very positive or “real” with someone, but you end up being negative. It can be a perception of you or the other person reacting negatively, but this sadness can lead to a lot of people being upset. Having to be that Debbie Downer all of time is sad, but someone is likely always going to be sad. This is no excuse to make things worse, because we are all responsible for having negative emotions. Some of us just happen to be upset about things that are a little more reasonable. While all sorts of emotions can lead to a confrontational negativity, sadness itself is the emotion at play. Although being a pessimist can lead to sadness, not everyone who is sad is necessarily a pessimist. In the end, we are given too few choices, and the options always tend towards the extreme.
The 10 Worst Personality Traits
8. Positivity
Having a happy demeanor is not necessarily personality trait, but it can express a lot through a personality. Thinking on the bright side or the glass half-full all of the time can lead to that cup being overfilled. There is something about joy that can seem fake and forced, but this should not even be a consideration. If it were up to us, we would never be happy, but we can end up feeling it away. Some people have a toxic happiness or positivity that can lead to all sorts of negative outcomes.
While good intentions are nice, they can pave the way to hell without you even being aware. There is nothing necessarily wrong with positivity, but some people have a tendency to hide behind it. Although it can be argued that this is not positivity at this point, it can be argued that whatever it is, it cannot be good. Being positive all of the time or being on your best behavior can be the downfall of just about anyone. There is always a reasonable balance that ultimately leads us to be a more reasonable person. An example of this is courage, but the bravery comes from a place of fear. If you did little to think about it, there is generally little too terrifying to overcome.
It is unfortunate that we cannot be happy all of the time, and we have reality and circumstance to blame for this. Being an optimist is great and all, but it can end up creating more problems than it is worth. If you are not being an optimist, then you are probably not happy and vice versa. Although it seems like I am attacking just about every trait, I am only doing so when it becomes a problem. There just happens to almost always be a problem under scrutiny worth looking at.
Even then, it is almost always a problem, but then again, happiness is a state of mind that is good on it’s own. Pain and happiness are not necessarily synonymous, but one can still lead to another anyway. If anything, happiness is product paid through deprivation; it only exists after times of hardship. There is still pleasure, but it is only an escape that we have come to know if we know better. This is why truth is easy on small scale, but facts are harder on a big scale.
While I can say this, very few may actually listen. If a monk were to say this, then a person may take it more seriously. A monk has the backing of a script that was used for millennia, while I do not. This can make the difference, but people jump to more hopeful messages. Some feel forced to accept some things, and some people just happen to get it right. Not many people necessarily follow this religion, but most people follow what they are given. If they do not like it, then they may naturally tend towards a more positive message. The positive message just happens to not be anything but a simplistic summation of the truth.
The 10 Worst Personality Traits
9. Controlling and Arrogance
There are things called personality disorders, e.g., borderline, narcissistic, and even schizoid personality disorder. Our personality describes our way of adapting our emotion through our coping mechanisms and what makes us who we are as individuals. If someone is struggling with their emotions, then it may mean that they have some sort of maladaptive coping problem that needs to be fixed. Some people are obsessive, and they like to control things to compensate for feelings of inadequacy. There is nothing wrong with this, but it can often lead down destructive roads. Although, if someone is simply trying to control something small, then it can be contained. Unfortunately, there are times where things like arrogance can get in the way.
While being controlling is not necessarily a personality, it can certainly be a trait of a person’s way of displaying their personality. This trait has a lot to do with lacking any kind of control, but having no control is not their fault. None of truly have control, but this is no excuse to take it out on other people. Even if the right thing is the hardest thing to do, you should still at least acknowledge your inability to do your best. While being controlling is a problem like any other personality trait, having this control issue is generally bad. However, trying to control an outbreak from becoming any worse should be seen as worth the trouble. Unfortunately, it is no so cut and dry, at least when it comes to anything but principle.
The control can be understood to have come from a place of torment, but it often does little good. Even in a rule as a leader, being too controlling ends up being the fault that makes it all fall apart. Being this way is often seen as an attitude problem, but there is more — it is a response to feelings of repression. The feeling could’ve been learned or abused into them, and it can leave a deep mark. It is almost the exact opposite of submission, but we are all ultimately submissive to something in the end. This means that the more we ultimately try to control, the less it seems to pay off in the end. Even if it seems like the right thing to do or not do, it is only so, given the context of our existence.
The 10 Worst Personality Traits
10. Hateful and Stupid
Being a thoughtful and caring person is not necessarily a mistake. However, it can open you to a world of hurt the more you use it. There is no inherent contradiction is having concern for others, but this cannot always be said for someone else. The more you care, the more it will hurt you if something happens to them. Some people will do it and think it is worth it, and others will not by avoiding it. This subjective taste doe little to the facts, and what someone is giving up is always a fact beyond conditioning. If someone is hard on themself, that person may also be more judgmental. This arrogance comes at a price though, and should be see as something worth compromising anyway.
There is always something to nitpick and criticize, and there is truly no way to avoid it. Evading our emotions does little good, and it can end up leading to disdain and hate. While hate is seen as a byproduct of pent-up frustration and anger, it still exists as a byproduct. There are many things worth hating, but we end up hating things that deserve it less. This is the problemed message that needs to be addressed without ironically falling into the same seedy traps. The problem is that there are plenty of people catching up, and dumbness or ignorance ends up high.
Since all of our emotions are an effect of things working a certain way, people often make excuses for them. Although they think of this prematurely, thinking about it more leads to much the same. While we can understand, this does not mean that they could not have been better than this. Beyond simply avoiding the hate, our lack of real choice can still be criticized. We can decide to dismiss our emotions, but this would ultimately fail us in making a decent choice. Some people make some really stupid decisions, and this unintelligence remains unqualified.
There is always an intelligent choice to make, and when someone is angry, the choice that generally comes from hate is not good. Although, in the right place at the right time, this hate can get the job done correctly. It really depends, but if it is leading down a road of suffering, it is because thinking had nothing to do with it. When it comes to facts, if you do not believe it, then you do not truly understand it. If you struggle to apply it, then it almost makes little difference in you knowing it to begin with. While thinking about our emotions seems like a waste of time, it really is not. While stupidity and hatefulness are not one and the same, they can ultimately lead to many of the same conclusions.
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