The 10 Worst Problems of Religion
As we all should know, atheism is part of the truth. It may not be the entire truth, but we certainly know what is not in the book of facts. When we think about the universe that we are in, we understand it to have rules. Even then, since the dawn of man, the understandings that we have gained have become our knowledge. The thoughts of reality have steadily taken hold, but some people still fall for the same hoaxes of faithful distinction. We can even look to religion in the context of history, but it serves no practical function. Especially at this point, we can understand these so-called moral doctrines as unethical unrealities. And the more that we look at them, the more that we find ourselves in a place of unmitigated mystery. These are the 10 amazing problems with religion, but don’t take my godlike word for it.
I apologize if this happens to offend anyone, but there is only so much that we can do. Every kind of religion has its problems, but they’re all ultimately the same. If I want to say that Muslims are a problem, then I can do so. Some may take offense to it, but every religion is bad to some degree, and people love to take things the wrong way. The fact that we have to talk about this stuff and reinforce it with jargon-laced nonsense is the most upsetting. If anything, the discussion can then turn to how we have no evidence either, even when it’s shoved in their face.
The 10 Worst Problems of Religion
We do this as if there is anything to think about, but unfortunately, we have to discuss this with the simpletons out there. At this point, the medieval dictates of religion have been somewhat overlooked, but they still exist in a certain subset of person. People too often have the tendency to take these things and blow them out of proportion. This is why thinking is so important, but people often think themselves into a frenzy. Thinking too much can be a problem though, and it can create cognitive dissonance and self-destruction. When this is so often the case, it makes sense that people avoid these conversations for the sake of their own sanity and self-esteem.
The 10 Worst Problems of Religion
1. There’s No Evidence
This one is simple: Although some pleasant folks want to claim that there is evidence for religion, they are misguided. Their evidence boils down to delusional hearsay and meanderings of an old, religious text. After that, it is on the parents to reduce their kids and their minds to turn their only evidence into something more. It gives them the opening to believe whatever they want to believe, and the excuses keep them embroiled no matter what the evidence is. Without these fallacies, they would seem weak, and their arguments would appear abundantly facile. Is this the way that anyone wants to feel about themselves? No, and they also want to avoid feeling like an idiot after the fact.
Unfortunately, the proof against them is even more glaring when their evidence is involved. However, it’s evidence enough to them, and their faith keeps them intact against their embitterment towards facts. When you begin to think about it, you will see even more that religion appears to have a flimsy backdrop. Even then, the most fervent believers cannot make sense of it, and they will never even try to stop it. When in debate, it then reduces the argument to self-fulfilling prophecy, confirmation bias, and borderline nihilism that induces terror. Afterall, if they simply understood the truth without indoctrination, they would not be so tied up in desperation to begin with.
The 10 Worst Problems of Religion
2. It’s Blatantly Contradictory
Just about every aspect of religion is questionable and overtly wrong, but there are some good rules that came from it. You even have the golden rule, which is no doubt a piece of priceless common sense that does not and should not need religion to reinforce it. In fact, there’s no doubting that this ethical claim came from something else entirely. When you look at the Bible, you may even notice that it has an abundance of overt contradictions. However, to believers, they’re complications of a god’s will to create something more than a fiction of science.
The 10 Worst Problems of Religion
To solve this conundrum, people choose to ignore it and wish it away with priceless and open-ended logic. You then have the other religions that decide to create their own rules of function. At the end of the day, people can then create their own facts and ignore what is deemed too uncomfortable. If it involves undermining something, then you will see it happen. Maybe, if they’re clever enough though, they will ignore contradictions entirely by subverting the truth through inclusion. In the end, trying to look at the convergent facts becomes trying.
The 10 Worst Problems of Religion
3. It’s Excuses Problems
The superstition that proceeds religion is one of the biggest contributing factors involved. Not only are people superstitious, but they also believe in letting go it when it’s convenient. It can involve using it as an excuse for death and murder, or it can rupture society through means of disgrace. Although religious conversations has changed from demonic possession to the love mysteries of god, people still chain themselves to faith with grave sacrifice. They may not entirely follow the religion to a self-destructive end, but they certainly believe it enough to cheat it. Unfortunately, people are too habituated to religion to become nonbelievers overnight.
The 10 Worst Problems of Religion
If someone struggles with their faith, they may end up finding out the duplicity involved, and this may change them for the better. In many cases, it may change them for the worse, as they realized the entirety of the lie that encapsulated them. You see, there is always a honeymoon phase involved with overcoming religion. Being superstitious is believing enough, but even then, they are willing to defend it. There is more involved with intelligence than simply not believing in a god, but it’s certainly a good start.
The 10 Worst Problems of Religion
4. It Complicates Things
We can look at jargony terms such as materialism and take what we want from them. Hell, we can even look at words like atheism and find issues with terminology, period. Then again, you are not a true atheist unless you do not define yourself by any form of spirituality. Regardless, the word comes from a lack of belief in theism, thus deism is still present and not definitive. While this is okay and what most people who are non-religious believe in, they will still consider themselves atheists … sometimes. Unfortunately, you’re not a real atheist to some degree, etcetera.
The 10 Worst Problems of Religion
At this point, we have to take it a step further and define ourselves by more extreme terms, be it secular or rational. When push comes to shove though, the definitions barely work anyway. What atheism ultimately represents is often demonized and misunderstood, but it’s not only atheism or our environment. If anything, the same thing can be said for homosexuals, one-night stands, or anything that someone doesn’t like. Everything we end up saying becomes an offset from religion, and it’s seriousness is often controlled by it, at least subconsciously.
The 10 Worst Problems of Religion
5. The Creation of More Creation
As we all should know, many people have fallen into new-age religions to take the place of strict, rudimentary doctrines. It aggrandizes a sense of community, and it allows people to feel as though they’re in a group. This collective can be dangerous though, and it has often been taken advantage of in the form of cults and crazies. Although many people do not fully embrace it, like with astrology, they still believe in it enough. It has become a part of their identity, and the situation of belief truly depends on the person. Some people are strong in their beliefs, and other people are psychotic or soft in theirs. Regardless, most people still do what believing actually is, even if believing in fairytales is nearly impossible. At this point, we can strictly say that history is repeating itself, nicely.
This tendency mostly comes from history, and the majority of people are getting dumber again. It’s simply a matter of fact, and the power of their belief ends up encapsulating them. The only thing that it really takes is an actual denial of what reality truly is. People will believe what they want to believe anyway, and they may even create some kind of god. At the very least, many of them are adopting more religious beliefs as a form of roleplay because of science. However, our “instincts” do not and should not define the truth. Even then, people still fall for the entitlement of belief, giving them more room for failure when finding out what really happened. Afterall, there are far too many ways to define ourselves, but this speaks more true to the preexisting problems.
Regardless of how we look at it, there are still people out there (the majority of people) who factually believe in a theistic creator. If there is even a minor amount of confident religiosity involved, then it is enough to make the difference. What they hold onto is genuine faith no matter how you look at it, and some people are more controlled by it than others. In the end, it is just a belief, but the story in our heads is enough to display a difference. We all have these idiosyncrasies, but the context of our similarities dictates our uniqueness. Someone falling for faith doesn’t matter though, and it’s simply a matter of why, how, and to what degree. Of course, there are people who will lie out of fear too, be it an atheist or theist.
The 10 Worst Problems of Religion
In spite of this particularity, the notions in one’s head are still considered beliefs. There are obviously dishonest people out there, but they are adhering to something else improperly. Regardless of the modifiers, if someone has a delusional belief, then it probably means that there is something going on. They may not follow everything fervently, but it does not mean that most of thee people are not instilled with just the right amount of delusion to keep them going. At this point, it shouldn’t be hard to avoid being honest with ourselves. Everyone is connected to some extent anyway, and people have gotten smarter. If anything, it goes to show a desperate cry for belonging that is often not here to begin with.
The 10 Worst Problems of Religion
6. It Doesn’t Add Up
To “solve” the creation problem that most people think little of, we create a god. We can then wonder about who created this god, and then the idea gets flushed down the toilet again. Unfortunately, this only happens with rational people, as most people are typically too humancentric to see the truth. Afterall, this notion of a creator is something that we wistfully created, and it’s nothing more than wishful thinking. If you begin to think about it, then you may even begin to wonder how it takes the place of its own absence. We can always fabricate some way to make an almighty god realistic. However, if the facts do not add up, then why take it so far. Well, the answer is always precious, but the truth is always much more easy to understand. Well, at least it should be simple to understand.
If we look at things rationally, then we can understand the cold desperation of most people. It’s not necessarily their fault, and they were determined to be in this crappy mess. At this point, we can then begin to understand where it all came from. You see, their god can hide behind the endless arguments that they create as it’s ultimate means. Unfortunately, we have to be able to make sense of reality in the correct ways. You would think that there would be nigh-infinite room for this, but this is not the case. We can even have discussions of free will, but nothing we say will ultimately change anything. This is more of an argument against them, as they cling to their religion with gracious divergence. The horror of the truth is ultimately too much, and they revel in the revealing of the ultimate mystery.
The 10 Worst Problems of Religion
7. It Demonizes Others
If we are going to abide by the truth and grow up, we have got to stop having imaginary friends. The deities we have created are a long and ancient remnant of the past, and we can see this. The archaic notions are even bathed in centuries of turmoil, grief, and blood spilt on soil. We can talk of heresy or apostles, but the conversation has gotten so much deeper than that, too. When push comes to shove, it boils down to how good your argument is, but many people will still not shake anyway. Regardless, it’s not like we need religion to be nice, reasonable, and ethical people, right!
The 10 Worst Problems of Religion
God or not, we can change someone’s minds, but it comes with a plethora of downsides. If we want to be take seriously, we have to have a degree in philosophy or repudiation. Ultimately, the more that someone understands you to be against their will, the more they will fight back. When this same world is covered in notions of “might makes right,” we have to underscore it with undesirable impunity. In fact, this is all that it takes, especially in a world without a creator causing our will. Unfortunately, religion is just another contradictory mess of reality when it comes to quandaries such as this.
The 10 Worst Problems of Religion
8. The Confidence Killed the Cat
We can either create more rules, or we can ignore them for the sake of Jesus. It depends on the rules and who you are antagonizing, but it doesn’t really matter. Afterall, the more that someone believes in a religion, the more that they can become confident in fabrications. It doesn’t matter what you bring to the table, as someone will fight your arguments tooth and nail to defend their beliefs. You see, while a god was sitting around and creating this sloppy mess, he, she, or it was also an infant who was living without parents. At this point, can we not just say that we are the irrational byproduct of an omnipotent baby.
The 10 Worst Problems of Religion
Nowadays, it wouldn’t seem so strange to call it a “them” anyway, as we are now conflicting our beliefs more than ever. Then again, maybe this is a sign of why we are so immature and shackled. In fact, all religions are a sign of insolence, but they are also incorrect. No one needs religion, and it only goes to show how they are untrue. With facts, someone only truly needs a religion because they were not taught to avoid it; some people will continue to make up their own stories. Even though our relative dating is arbitrary, there is no need to hold onto religion to this day, but we still are. We can look back and still wonder why people still cradle religion so … religiously.
To start, religion controls through fear and ignorance, but it can also give people false hope. The process seems to feel rather monotonous, but people fell their needs to pray to their prophet. It doesn’t take a genius to figure it out, but people continue to hold onto their faith. It can even create jealousy or contempt, but this self-imposed prison did not have to be here to begin with. They may be able to help people, but this is not the best way to get the job done. If someone needs the guide of religion, then it is only because of their inability to accept the truth through a dire means of culture. In fact, the more religious you are, the more like it is that you are dumb or have been turned dumber.
The 10 Worst Problems of Religion
We can be realists, but is this enough or the right way to do it? No, but sometimes, you need to confuse people into understanding through simple abstractions. Just be sure to understand that it takes some keen skills of coercion. Furthermore, while god was sitting around forever, the notion of an intelligent design never occurred to them. Were they simply trying over and over again, and is this god omniscient then? You see, when the inconsistences add up, it is only a matter of time before they realize that what they based their beliefs on is wholly unreliable. If you look at it even further, then it appears to be a abusive relationship with qualities attributed to phantasmagorical Stockholm syndrome.
The 10 Worst Problems of Religion
9. It’s Antagonistically Unoriginal
When it comes to religion, we have seen it all before. One religion openly perishes, and the next is waiting to take its place. You will see it every day, and even the least creative of us can make one up. People even do this when staring other religions in the eye, but the breadcrumb trail is missing. Spiritualism is the same, and they will claim to understand your argument even though they do not. If you disagree, they will be there to tell you that they are on your side. Truth be told, they are the ones with little reason and who are open to anything. Are they simply giving you an open to change their minds, or are they closing you off entirely. Lastly, when it is the rational person’s job to understand stupidity. Can anyone possibly answer this foreboding question of horror with grace, honestly?
At this point, the argument becomes a bout that ends in a bittersweet stalemate that at least seems alright to them. The reason for this is that they are obviously on the wrong side, and they know it, at least partially. If a true believer is actually agreeing with you, then they deserve to be in a hospital because of insanity. Otherwise, they are simply there to hedge their bets with rounds of cleverness in an argument that they actually disagree with. Their low standards allow them to be okay with having a crappy argument, too. You just have to be sure to not allow their perceived confidence to fool you.
The 10 Worst Problems of Religion
To them, this is enough, and just about anything works against you at this point. When this happens, they may not concede aggressively, but they understand a flaw or will accept defeat in a learned way. In line with their beliefs, they may even continue to antagonize you with the same drivel or tripe that satisfies them the most. To them, it seems like a victory, but only because they are too stupid to understand. It may feel enticing or insulting, but the argument simply ends with a premature ooze. Although, it does create a sense of satisfaction in the accuser as well, especially they are born-again Christians.
The 10 Worst Problems of Religion
10. It Ignores Science and the Truth
The more that someone believes in a religion, the more that it will be difficult to let go of it. When this is the case, you can expect a person to go through periods of grief and long-term bereavement. A willingness to allow the manipulations of religion to control you is even heinous. You see, it really doesn’t matter what you choose to believe in. Well, it does, but it’s not always relevant to the point being made.
The 10 Worst Problems of Religion
If you believe in any form of higher power, then you are not considered an atheist (or are religious), at least in a lot of people’s books. People will even ignore science or make our reality something of a god’s creativity. The irrelevance is seeping even more because of some well-minded religious folks are not believing in the tooth fairy. We see it every day when people consider atheism a religion, but it only goes to show one’s ignorance in their ironic willingness to lie to themself.
When you point out to someone that God isn’t real, they can shrug it off or take it personally. If they take it personally, then they will forget about everything that they believe in about science or shake it denial. At this point, you have fooled them, but it takes more than that. Trying to confuse someone into disbelief is barely the answer anyway, and it only comes back to make the problems worse. The confusion caused by someone’s religion is deep, and it can cause them to lash out. If they broke the rules of their doctrine, then they are nonbelievers. Otherwise, they’re finding some way to still live a reasonable life without the dictates of religion breathing down their back. At this point, we can understand that, even if a believer lashes out, they can still believe in a creator to some degree.
If you decide to go down to rabbit hole of debate, then a follower will claim that you need proof that their chicken isn’t real, creating more disillusionment. It is here to subvert the truth, and it’s grandiosity speaks through the millennia. It was a problem we were destined to deal with, meaning that the needless arguments are not so unnecessary. If you make someone aware of their insolence, then you will help them, but it’s a matter of getting there to begin with. Even then, some things are better than others in spite of religions origins involving needing answers of magic to explain the world away. but it does not take care of the biggest issues that caused the problem to begin with. In fact, most people will never forget to believe for a logical reason, but they can let go to some degree for an emotional reason.
The 10 Worst Problems of Religion
In the end, if something is an overt paradox, then it probably means that you should go back the the drawing board. There are too many problems already, and religion only seems to make them worse, obviously or not. When the problems are not entirely created by religion, the excuses, especially from the so-called believers, are the issue. If anything, religion gives people an easy out, but for others, it induces a scary fear of retribution. The way we react is increasingly more of a symptom, and it’s an ever-growing continuation. You see, humans were the creators of religion, but something even “greater” created us that led to its formation. Regardless, it’s not like I am bringing too many hardcore arguments to the table; people would likely ignore the searing logic anyway.
The best kind of argument to start off with is an emotional one, and with this comes the perceived change in subject. Again, the world is only about 10 percent atheist, and the number of materialistic atheists — where there is no deism — is exponentially lower than that. People also struggle with mental illness from religion and its baggage, and even the best of us can fall trap to it. Our knowledge is closing in on the inevitable truth, and people are choosing to fight it by accepting half-measures. The more that we begin to realize that the universe that we inhabit is cold and cruel, the more we will inevitably understand reality. In fact, it may even give us the strength to do things for the right reasons.
The 10 Worst Problems of Religion
Furthermore, the environment created our basic needs, and it also helps create and absolve how we respond according to our basic needs in the environment. Despite this, the excuses and causes of disaster add up, be it believers or nonbelievers, because of religion, and it is unnecessary. Also, if we are being honest, it is on the smart people to convince the fooled among us. There is even an argument that most “believers” do not actually believe, but that seed is already planted. Afterall, are we to believe that everyone is smart, or does it not take a genius to know better when one is truly converted. Are they even true nonbelievers when they let go for the wrong reasons. In reality, it all mostly comes down to how we were raised and how much we believed in the nonsense to begin with.
If someone’s mind is lost to the fictional abyss, then their change of mind will have to come with confidence until the death that exults them. This is more of a favor to them, because they will never end up facing the truth until after their untimely deaths. At this point, the trepidation that atheists had to go through seems like it was all for not except in the challenge of letting the theistic problem go. Just about anyone can be an atheist though, but you have to have some degree of dumbness to not have seen it at all. You see, the problems with religion are endless, and the fanatics are everywhere. They break their own rules, and they’re all displaced to some degree … . It seems like I am simply finding the followers a problem, but they are simply there to preach.
The 10 Worst Problems of Religion
Afterall, religion was created by humans through their discovery of irrationality. The arguments become convoluted, and the complexity gets lost in the vague meanderings. If someone becomes too indoctrinated by a text such as the bible, then they will rationalize it away with abrasion. Our justifications are also too deep, and we antagonize others for these unresolved issues of the past. When we boil it down, it comes down to confirmation bias and some advice thrown in for good measure. We are the ones who have to go above and beyond with our arguments. However, explaining more than enough should never be the problem when others just blindly believe. In the end, people then begin to believe that they do not want this so-called freedom away from a dictatorial overseer.
The 10 Worst Problems of Religion
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The 10 Worst Problems of Religion

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