I know that it’s very, very difficult to believe, but there are a lot of “things” that you can do without having the internet available. Of course, nobody, and I mean NOBODY, is saying that you shouldn’t complain; after all, it is the World Wide Web …! (And our gracious “online existence” is something that we all should have at all times, right?) Without its presence, you may even find yourself without sex, a job, or a study partner for school. Now, we’re not necessarily excluding these perspective reasons; however, it is also very important to understand that this all depends: Are you are doing this willingly or without a choice!? Although, if you have a choice, then you can simply choose to do any number of “other” things. However, if you do not have a choice, then this is where things become tricky but … easy. Some people may even find the entire experience a thrill — it’s part of the fun! Unfortunately, this is not always so ‘easy’ when you think about the our day and its complainers; these are the 3 amazing things to do without the internet … .
Why not mix and match the following recommendations; they’re all there to use, correct!?
The 3 Amazing Things to Do Without the Internet
1. Complain About Not Having the Internet
The excuses for the internet being out (not being on) are all kinds of asinine, right? (You’ve got hurricanes, thunder storms, and that a**hole who’s addicted to slamming poles.) So, why not do something big, mighty, and strong about it! And, although it appears as though you cannot reacclimate, there are always some clever “alternatives” that can help you receive your internet again … . For one, you can always just complain about not having it; an audience is not always required for this kind of fun, unfortunately. Although, it’s also a great way to pass time, especially if it leads to a lot of hatred and vitriol. The problem with this is that you may end up in jail trying to overthrow the cable companies around the area. Thankfully, there are always solution to your problem, i.e., forms of protesting, bootlegging, etcetera. And, in the end, you will find that your complaining will get the job done … for the most part. It’s just tough luck that complaining to yourself and/or others may, at times, fix the issue, too. Then what is the point …?
The 3 Amazing Things to Do Without the Internet
2. Go to Starbucks
This is an important question to ask yourself: How are you able to read this without the internet, correct!? (You see, it may just be that you are using someone else’s computer or remembering this from before.) However, at least when it is “important,” you may not even question these obstructive problems yourself! But, even when there is a decent solution around the corner, you might also locate yourself surfing on over to a Starbucks for free Wi-Fi to boost your horrible data connection. Of course, you can read this after the fact; however, what if you miss it when it’s truly important. And what if you forget from before!? You can always sort it out yourself as well! Then again, you always have your cell phone — that thing connected to your life support — on you for your internet needs! At least if you’re not out in the boondocks, you may actually find that your phone is a good placeholder for porn searching, etcetera. Just be sure to bring a charger and keep yourself adequately preoccupied so that you don’t blow a fuse!
The 3 Amazing Things to Do Without the Internet
3. Steal Someone Else’s Connection
If you’re feeling sour about the internet being out, you can obviously go out and smell the roses or simply hang out with your friends. Of course, you can even go to a friend’s house and abuse their internet connection to help yourself overcome your personal issues with your parents/guardians … . And, to whom it may concern, it may do you some good to be in timeout. Unfortunately, the thrill of receiving your internet only works when you put in the effort. “So, what does this mean?” you fastidiously inquire. Well, it means that you should use your espionage and hacker skills to infiltrate your neighbor’s internet connection. Remember, its life (the internet’s life) depends on you using it. (Without the internet, you may miss out on the stream that your flavorite social media influencer is recording.) What!? Who wants to actually miss out on that. So, the best course of action is to take what rightfully does NOT belong to you!? And, for what it’s worth, you can always do this without taking their connection away by simply asking … .
The 3 Amazing Things to Do Without the Internet
As you can clearly tell, there are “plenty” of ways to “deal” with the internet being out. Thankfully, when it turns back on, you may not even find a need to truly utilize it … . For what it is worth, you probably did not need to be told this; however, what is wrong with a little bit of driven, derivative motivation. After all, as a “wise” man once said, “There is always some connection somewhere, but you will have to look and/or work for it.” Yes! You see, this is always good advice to give to people so that they inquire about context and understand their shituation perfectly. And, to put this quite bluntly, everyone is allowed to complain, especially if it means that have to deal with pathetic excuses and incompetence from their cable & telecommunication companies. In the end, you are probably best of just doing what I have listed above! Jus be sure to not take anything too seriously, because it may also give you some problems along the way. Then again, you can also just patiently wait, as it is something that you will likely have to do anyway.
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