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The 5 Remarkable Ways to Debunk a False Claim

The 5 Ways to Debunk a False Claim
The 5 Ways to Debunk a False Claim
So, what lies beneath and behind your own back?

Everyone is capable of lying, and just about everyone has been dishonest about at least one thing in their life. Of course, it doesn’t matter if they’re dishonest with themselves or someone else, because everyone does this kind of thing on a daily basis. The “specifics” obviously do not matter all too much; however, it’s not to say that they’re entirely irrelevant. And, although people are often easily slighted, there’s always more to an interaction than being duped. However, deceit comes in many forms, and it can be a grand lie, or it can be a mildly misleading statement of uncertain fact. (Certain folks may be perpetual, pathological liars, and others may mislead you with an occasional ‘white fib.’) Thankfully, it can be easy to tell if someone is being is being even mildly dishonest with you, especially when it comes to a petty scheme. In the end, there’s also a choice to stand up for yourself or allow this person to get away with it … . But this is not just it; there’s more to it to begin with. These are, in fact, the 5 certain ways to debunk a false claim!

In a world where everyone speaks the perfect truth would likely not be a place worthy of being alive in.

The 5 Ways to Debunk a False Claim

1. The Truth

“It’s not always about the lie, because it’s also about gaining the truth or the actual confession.”

Already knowing the truth is a certain way to tell if someone is lying to you and your gullible looking face. However, it’s all to easy to understand this as a method of seeing through the charade. Almost with universal success, this ‘modus operandi’ can work; although, it’s a little more complicated than that, too. In fact, some people will continue to lie in spite of you being aware, and others may even question if you’re fully onto them. There may even be a situation than involves them being unaware of their own lie, so it becomes a matter of catching them during their scheming phase. Unfortunately, to make matters even worse, people may strike a deal or project a different set of uncertain facts on you. Thankfully, you should be able to force yourself through this by having investigated and/or extracted some “truth” out of them at the start. So, how do you deal with this? Well, you reverse the roles, investigate the ‘crime,’ and pressure them to help you avoid the backsliding. Just be sure to not get sucked into their deliberate plan!

The 5 Ways to Debunk a False Claim

2. Body Language

When a person is being dishonest, they are likely to give it away with certain body language, right!?

Although it may take some “judicial” practice, understanding a person’s body language works as well. Unfortunately, it can come with the price of getting it wrong, and this can spell disaster when it depends on a certain set of situations. Depending on the situation, they will overtly give themself or themselves away; they can also hide themself very, very well. Although, this, in turn, can give you an opportunity to place more proof to this so-called evidence. “What are the signs?” you curiously inquire. Well, they can be listed here: clamoring, sweating, lack of eye contact, erratic movement, stuttering, etcetera. Now, it’s not to say that this is always the case — a person can be lying and be perfectly still. Although, it’s also true that a person can simply be nervous and telling the truth. (There’s also a case of being horribly blinded by misery and not being able to talk in spite of accusations. Of course, you still have an opening, and it’s up for you to decide how to figure the rest out. Thankfully, it’s still a head start that you did not have before.

The 5 Ways to Debunk a False Claim

3. Logic

Logic is just another way to make any other method of figuring something out that much easier.

Although, it’s not all that it’s cut out to be, whatever the truth is has always been the truth to begin with. (Strangely enough, this line of logic does not end there.) However, it is true that a level of personalized logic can give you a head start when it comes to understanding a liar. After all, a wise man once said, “Smart people will lie and learn how to detect it in others.” And, well, it certainly can give you some experience when it comes to dealing with the “real deal.” It also comes down to cross-impact analysis and other forms of deductive thinking. As long as you have enough of a brain, you can probably figure out if someone is being a two-faced scumbag to you or someone else. “So, a**hole, how does this figure in to advice?” Well, it’s easy enough, it means that doing a little bit of thinking and research can make the difference in how you approach a problem like this. There’s also room to be inventive with how you can fool someone into admitting their “discreetness.” Thankfully, your ability to think can also embolden you.

The 5 Ways to Debunk a False Claim

4. Tomfoolery

Learning the tricks of the trade, be it pathological or otherwise, can give you a reasonable head start.

The world does not revolve around us personally, and it’s unfortunate that we have to find our own way around everyone else’s crap. Thankfully, we can give ourselves experience in the art of deception that make our so-called victims the actual perpetrators. “What does this mean?” you ask. Well, it means that we’re going to have to play their game against them; they become your tool, too. Of course, it boils down to how they’re attempting to fool you and what you end goal is. (You may even wish to fool others into being honest with you.) And it can simply be about a personal matter of respect when you want the truth from someone. Now, this may lead to an argument, but it’s also about not allowing someone to get the best of you. (The more that you undermine their resolve, the more that you will benefit from their mistake and personal folly.) You may also find that trying to reason with someone will work — it has its own usefulness. However, it also works because of the fact that empathy and understanding can get you far … .

The 5 Ways to Debunk a False Claim

5. Lie Detection

When all else fails, be sure to use tools that were used to get the job done. That includes a lie detector!

Despite what you can hear from others, people enjoy the idea of ‘deception’ from time to time. Of course, the idea of lying can also land you in a load of trouble, too. And, if we are not lying, then we’re likely thinking of a lie. (Dishonesty will get you into trouble; however, lying will also help you avoid trouble.) Would we all prefer to not lie!? Well, that depends on how far we’re willing to take our logical boundaries; it’s also about understanding why and how a person is being deceptive. There are also more “scientific”, expensive, and brute-force methods of figuring out if someone is being dishonest. (It’s simply a matter of using a machine and to do the work for you.) Not only are you going to have to be fairly invasive, but you will have to be decisive. It can lead to a plethora of questions, including what you should ask and how you can properly deduce what else this could mean. However, it should also be clear that we’re not here to psychoanalyze someone to the point of disrespect. Just be sure to play with the boundaries a little bit.

The 5 Ways to Debunk a False Claim


We don’t need to understand everyone’s subjective point of view to know or find out the truth. But life is always easier without the added challenge. This can even include what we learn, which can be stacked with a lot of misleading notions. Of course, self-sufficiency makes a big difference as well, so the lie ends up building up over time. And the idea of fighting it directly seems nearly impossible. It’s simply unfortunate that not everyone can agree, so it becomes about convincing other folks of your discovery.

People will always struggle with understanding the truth, at least for as long as they’re not trying to understand it. To be fair, it’s a struggle to find the right answers, and there’s always a half-truth (or lie) in everything that anyone can say. (It works this way in spite of our intentions or what we know.) And, in spite of our best intentions, we will always end up misleading someone no matter how hard we try to avoid it. Of course, this is something that people can do to themselves; however, it’s not always about convincing ourselves. (Our language is flawed, and understanding how to speak it is paramount.) It’s also about the specifics that can be of aid. It’s just unfortunate that the simplicity of what we understand of dishonesty can also be so complicated. There’s also room to understand that people have their own reasons to not be upfront, and some of it is almost necessary. After all, it’s not always about having the truth, but it’s about reaching a conclusion the best (or easiest) way possible. And there is always a hurdle!

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