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The 5 Remarkable Ways to Display Selfishness

The 5 Ways to Display Selfishness
I’m drowning!

Like every other person on the planet (Earth), you’re allowed to be a selfish, defiant, and stupid human. Of course, this comes with a plethora of side effects, including censure, violence, and rebuke! And, to make matters even worse, there’s always room for your glib, lambasting behavior to be the downfall and/or ruin of humanity. Especially if everyone joins in and decides to do it to everyone (or the wrong group of people), there’s even more room for our petty and berating behavior to flush US out. So, why exacerbate the shituation with more personalized debauchery, right!? Well, it’s more about knowing what we’re doing and how to properly ascertain our place in the world. Understanding truth and consequence is only a small part of the entire equation, of course. However, the ends do not always justify the so-called burdening means. And, at least for what it’s worth, there’s room to question our actions and/or motives. In the end, there is always reason to critique our “motives,” but these are the 5 ways to display selfishness.

Oh, did I not mention hedonism, greed, and the other “cardinal sins” of hoarding wealth and adultery!? However, selfishness is only one small part of the equation for a lot of this stuff, but it’s also a major factor to consider! Just remember that motivation has A LOT to do with how we contextualize this, too!

The 5 Ways to Display Selfishness

1. Psychopathy

When it comes down to it, there’s always room to be a selfish a**hole. And, no matter where you hide it, this tends to always come out in the worst ways — violence is certain! Of course, it’s not always that straightforward, as just about everyone can be selfish, at least in more … pleasant ways. (We also ‘tend’ to glamorize.) Although, strangely enough, it doesn’t mean that we can not or should not take a step back and realize our horrible past behavior and actions. Unfortunately, some people tend to have very little ‘good’ reason to do things, and this can include psychopathic behavior. And the worst, most problematic aspect of humanity is its excuses. “What kind of excuses?” you intolerably question & inquire. Well, some people are truly what we call “psychopathic,” and it’s a real condition called psychopathy. Of course, everyone exists, at least to some degree, on a gradation. However, specifics aside, we tend to forget that others exist or have feelings too, especially when we’re trying to accomplish tasks or save something else.

The 5 Ways to Display Selfishness

2. Trickery (& Pretense)

The worst part of being selfish is the personal indignation. However, the worst parts also involve a lot of instant gratification. (There’s always a downside, even if it’s on the other side of a bad decision.) Of course, our behavior does very, very little for us, though. It’s simply the “way of the world,” unfortunately, for most people; selfishness rules when nobody cares. What does it all mean, right? It’s not the worst thing though, as we’re often “trying” to do the “right” thing. Or you can say that we’re often doing a lot of the wrong things, of course. Now, this can work as a lesson, or it likely does not work at all. But some people will be trying to deceive you! However, there is always room to believe that we do this so that we can rationalize our poor decision-making skills, etcetera. (We can and will obviously display our selfishness in a lot of interesting and spectacular ways.) At times, we’re simply being malicious, and other times are simply an act of error, misdirection, or concern. Unfortunately, there’re not many options to act!

The 5 Ways to Display Selfishness

3. Having Children

If we’re going to talk about one of the most selfish acts in history, then we HAVE to discuss the process of having children. (It doesn’t really matter who is “doing” it, because it’s also very important to strictly understand its selfishness.) In fact, it is probably the most rude, self-indulgent thing that you can do … of all time. Unfortunately, having sex, procreating, birthing babies, ‘just for fun’ is part of the “bigger” problem for a lot of people. (There is this thing called consent; however, most people do not consider this when they decide to have a child.) It “works” for others because of ignorance and life planning, albeit poor planning. So, why bother! Although, it’s never that simple, right!? There’s also — to many people — a way to rationalize the use of their bodies, but this is a fallacious argument. At this point, your life may have ‘more’ purpose, but you also have to sacrifice other aspects of your life. It’s just a problem when you think that having a penis and ovaries gives you the so-called right to supersede the right of nonexistence!

The 5 Ways to Display Selfishness

4. Murder, Rape, and Theft

To whom it may concern, your worst traits are often at odds with your ideal (best) characteristics. We can do this; however, it’s not always properly motivated with the right kind of information or reasoning. Unfortunately, this isn’t necessarily a character study of human behavior and its who’s, what’s, when’s and where’s. People obviously do this because they’re scared — murder and theft come to mind! Now, you can rape, pillage, and murder, but you will also deal with some consequences! (These can be either ‘good’ or bad.) Of course, there’s always room to believe that those consequences can be poorly motivated, too!

Not only are you doing something wrong, but you are doing something bad to the extreme (Just because you cannot get consent does not mean that you should not require it.) However, consent is a different story, especially since we’re breaking consent constantly. (It’s still something that you should actively and especially avoid and keep at a distance.) So, what’s the point? Well, the selfishness can be displayed in large or small, insignificant ways. And it can pertain to very many situations! But, although this appears as though this is okay, there’s room to question. Also, it doesn’t always work the way that you want it as well.

The 5 Ways to Display Selfishness

5. Personal Sacrifice

Your personal indulgences are always on the table, and there’s very little that you can do to change them. It works to fix them; though, it’s never that much of a success … . In fact, the more that you do try, the more that you will likely be disappointed. (It’s a burden!?) With this, we part, so what is the big deal! After all, a wise ex-soldier once said, “I will die for humanity, but I will also take a dump for this country.” Just understand that it’s not simply a way of “showing” people our willingness to get our hands ‘dirty’ with our so-called concern! And there is always a little truth to the self-aggrandizing cause & effect of selflessness.

Thankfully, preventative measures can always be called into place; however, this “selfishness” can and will always cause greater, unaccounted problems for oneself. And there are only so many ways to get the “job” done. (Fantastic!) This really does work fairly well; however, it is always a struggle to say that we are not using unreasonable excuses to rationalize our unjust acts. It’s actually the worst thing that you can truly do, but there are times where it’s still the right thing to do. Of course we can worry about this ‘stuff’ (e.g., petty crime, selfish indulgences), but why bother! There are ways to look at it: Our affections are just!

The 5 Ways to Display Selfishness


As you can see, there’s no shortage of remarkable ways to be selfish; however, it’s not always a bad thing to act on in hindsight … . (There are plenty of ways to “break” down our selfishness, including theft, murder, and even painful rejection. After all, there are ways to remedy these circumstances with all sorts of self-improvement tactics. Of course, there’s only so much that we can do to alleviate selfishness entirely, and it would almost entirely defeat the point of our existence. However, we’re not all selfless, and it’s likely that we’re always going to have to deal with it, so it’s always nice to moderate it with a change!?

There are obviously better ways to “hide” and display your cruddy “selfishness,” but not everyone has the so-called luxury of being nice. We get used to it, but our selfishness should not always be the driving force of understanding the right thing to do, too. Of course, there’s a thing called adoption if you want to have children, and it’s always right to be dignified in spite of the self-indulgence involved. (It’s always a matter of degree.) And even though it’s justified, i.e., some murders, there’s room to believe that there are often better solutions to acts of impulse. Despite this or that, we’re stuck! However, you and I will also and always have to deal with the consequences of our actions, be them good or bad. And, in the end, the truth will always take its toll on us. Be it a good or bad thing, we’re all stuck in this game feeling ourselves.

You are stuck having to feel your own feelings and think your own thoughts. Other people do not have that luxury! Unfortunately, it takes empathy and personal gratitude to understand other’s emotions.

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