If you are not already aware, people around you are likely following the so-called “rules” to some degree. However, they’re also prone to drone and facilitate the hivemind (or Borg mentality), but this is barely a problem most of the time … . And not every rule is necessarily bad, per se. (Of course not!) What is driving them, and how are their intentions involved in thinking one way or going another. Of course, not all of this is bad; however, people’s reasons play a large difference regardless of the outcome, thought process, or belief system. (This ultimately means that people are VERY likely to fall into a batch of humanity or ‘groupthink’ that helps give them an identity, etcetera.) After all, your actions speak louder than words; it’s also about how you display your relative ethics and moral code. It’s also a matter of inevitability when it comes to people and how they construct reality and diverging opinions. Thankfully, there’s always a “way” to understand people and their personalized “truths” — these are the 5 ways to understand groupthink …!
Some people simply believe the wrong things for no good reason, and this is partially because of others. However, we can also be aware of and change these things to better mold our characteristics for ourselves and others. It’s just too bad that we often use others to fix ourselves instead of permutating …!
Group psychology works in numerous ways; however, trying to be different from others does not always do the trick. Of course, this kind of compatibility issue can have and/or display its purpose — you’re likely not all that different from the crowd. Although, if you are, you’re likely doing it in the same way.
The 5 Ways to Understand Groupthink
1. Be Aware of Yourself
Unfortunately, the facts are not always laid out before us! But it doesn’t mean that we can not or should not be able to grasp them. (We’re stuck with the information that we currently have; although, some people are capable of doing more.) In some (or many a) manner, it may even seem impossible to properly think with all of the varying thought bubbles floating around. The end result is something less than “stellar,” but this shouldn’t mean that we lose the ability to think for ourselves. Thankfully, it’s always easy to understand when someone is doing it; we’re all capable of it. Although it’s ‘easier said than done,’ there are ways to see if you’re falling into the same traps that other, less fortunate people walk into! But it stands the test of time to also be wary of what you should and should not be agreeing with. (You shouldn’t simply disagree for the sake of being a “contrarian”; however, this is fairly understandable to some degree.) Even though it may be common to be different “normally,” others are riding the bandwa …!
The 5 Ways to Understand Groupthink
2. Be Wary of Others
The worst part about being in the middle of a group of idiots is the fact that the morons will feel smart in spite of you, even though they’re wrong. And it gets even worse when you have to partake in their frivolous adventures for the sake of something else, e.g., the “greater good.” (Having to see it is enough; however, having to live it is another situation entirely.) Of course, everyone can relate, but this doesn’t mean that everyone is dealing with the same amount of contrivance and mediocrity. And, as we all should understand, the status quo is there for a reason — a majority tends to settle. However, this majority can also fall into a cascading landslide of problems that’s invigorated and created by its frivolous and vacuous power structure. Thankfully, we can be aware of this and attempt to change our ways among others! Although, it’s not that simple when it comes to changing people’s minds beyond their structured thought process. (It’s even more difficult to change how the function of society works.) It is easier said than done!!!
The 5 Ways to Understand Groupthink
3. Understand the Cause
If we’re being at all honest with ourselves, then we should understand that being a part of the status QUO is a questionable thing. Unfortunately, it is not necessarily seen this way for a lot (or the majority) of people. Some folks will even find some reason to rationalize why they’re doing things the way that they’re doing them. And, at times, it’s almost pathetically sad to see the justifications for why they are doing them, too. (It can often come down to their family or what their parents told them was ‘correct’ when they were a lot younger.) Although, it should also be mentioned that the status quo and its values are not all bad. Even what it represents is not always considered a plight! However, to whom it may concern, there is a reason why the majority functions a certain way in spite of the small, idiosyncratic differences. And it also means that we can generalize people and understand what is, more or less, something within that particular bubble. Of course, our reasons are still “relevant,” and it also tends to explain why we are “this.”
The 5 Ways to Understand Groupthink
4. Change for the Better
People tend to understand what they’ve personally dealt with more, and it’s perfectly fine to do and think this. However, it’s also a good idea to think a little outside of the box so that your personal experiences do not hinder your ability to empathize and/or “critically think.” The worst of it obviously arrives with a lot of vitriol and rebuke; although, it should also be something that is highly respected. (Unfortunately, determinism comes into play; however, this does not mean that certain things [rules] do not consistently occur.) Of course, you will find people who are misunderstood, but we’re also stuck learning and living with what we know. This means that our current configuration — our knowledge — is what guides us towards puzzles and solutions. And it’s often our problem to fix what comes our way! It’s also a good idea to avoid being too contrarian simply for the sake of it. (The world can improve, but fighting what is right is considered poor thinking no matter where it comes from.) Thankfully, thinking for yourself is necessary.
The 5 Ways to Understand Groupthink
5. Try to Be Correct
When people “go with the crowd,” they’re also doing it for their personal comfort. Although, how far does groupthink go when it comes to representing someone’s personal beliefs. It’s also a matter of how much this kind of thinking is representing in people’s choices and willingness to ‘join in.’ Not everything is considered “mainstream”; however, it is also about the structure and its size. And it is simply a fact that some people and/or structures cannot be swayed to change. (Some people are incapable or it simply does not end up happening.) Of course, you have your smaller “scenes” (e.g., punk rock, green party, and cult personalities like Nazism). They’re groups, but they do not necessarily dictate what we should understand about everyone and their beliefs or actions. Although and even then, there are many people who can be described perfectly by this; they’re a perfect epitome. Everyone is considered ‘normal’ to some degree, but some dissuading tendencies are more common than others. And we’re all guilty of this.
The 5 Ways to Understand Groupthink
As you can obviously tell, the more that you think from others, the less that you will have your own whim. The dumb and smart folks of the world are all united, and this can explain our circumstances. Of course, who you are and how smart you are does not always dictate this difference — it’s still relevant. The “cause & effect” are both relevant to this as well. Thankfully, it’s also a matter of “balance” and trying to be different for the right reasons. And, although groupthink is a negatively connotated pejorative, it’s also an objective reality that serves a function. (Your personal subculture can also be derided, regardless.) Again, every social interaction and/or trinket of personality can become “ubiquitous,” at least to some degree. But it’s only a matter of time before the hivemind takes over, as it ebbs and flows. “So, what can you do?” you ask. Well, it can obviously change for the better, right!? And it’s not always a matter of this or that, so why allow it to always burden you. It is just unfortunate that we have to ‘deal’ with the downsides at all … .
There are certain situations of group behavior that are obvious, but some people are more similar to what the norm is. Others tend to use this centrism to help them form their opinions or defenses against outsiders. It’s just unfortunate that people tend to flock because of their lack of ability to think properly.
The 5 Ways to Understand Groupthink
Is it the way that they dress, act, or even look!? Some people simply do not care, and this may be relevant as well. Unfortunately for others, this situation can also create fear in those seeking validation. And everyone deals with this frustration to some degree; however, the irony is certainly deeper for some.
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