Blood sugar problems are a prevalent part of the modern world. This is because of the modern diet being so full of sugar and other unhealthy additives. The more you consume carbs, or sugars in particular, the more you expose yourself to health problems. If the problem becomes worse, it can eventually lead to diseases like diabetes or cancer. Since sugar is often the main culprit, it is best to moderate your sugar intake. It should be worth considering to change your diet overall, as this, along with exercise, are the best things you can do to help with blood sugar. The last thing you want is for your body to burn out by dealing with insulin resistance. Regardless, these are the fantastic supplements for lowering your blood sugar.
Thankfully, there are things like supplements and diet plans people can take advantage of to help them stay as healthy as possible while eating their favorite foods. The reason for considering your blood sugar is because you can end up causing the receptors in your pancreas to wear out. This ends up causing your insulin to stop being produced, thus, it creates a problem with blood sugar regulation. A blood sugar problem can be either too high or too low. More of the significant problems come from it being too high to begin with. If you do not regulate your sugar levels, especially without insulin production, you can end up with some gnarly side effects.
Fantastic Blood Sugar Supplements
1. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera may also help those trying to lower their blood sugar. Supplements or juice made from the leaves of this cactus-like plant could help lower fasting blood sugar and A1C in people with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes. In a review of nine studies in people with type 2 diabetes, supplementing with aloe for 4–14 weeks decreased fasting blood sugar by 46.6 mg/dl and A1C by 1.05%. People who had fasting blood sugar above 200 mg/dl before taking aloe experienced even stronger benefits.
Mouse studies indicate that aloe may stimulate insulin production in pancreatic cells, but this hasn’t been confirmed. Several other mechanisms may be involved. The best dose and form are unknown. Common doses tested in studies include 1,000 mg daily in capsules or 2 tablespoons (30 ml) daily of aloe juice in split doses Aloe can interact with several medications, so check with your doctor before using it. It should never be taken with the heart medicine digoxin.
2. Alpha-Lipoic Acid
Alpha-lipoic acid, or ALA, is a vitamin-like compound and powerful antioxidant produced in your liver and found in some foods, such as spinach, broccoli and red meat. When people with type 2 diabetes took 300, 600, 900 or 1,200 mg of ALA alongside their usual diabetes treatment for six months, fasting blood sugar and A1C decreased more as the dose increased.
ALA may improve insulin sensitivity and your cells’ uptake of sugar from your blood, though it may take a few months to experience these effects. It may also protect against oxidative damage caused by high blood sugar. Doses are generally 600–1,200 mg daily, taken in divided doses before meals. ALA may interfere with therapies for hyperthyroid or hypothyroid disease. Avoid very large doses of ALA if you have vitamin B1 (thiamine) deficiency or struggle with alcoholism.
Fantastic Blood Sugar Supplements
3. American Ginseng
American ginseng, a variety grown primarily in North America, has been shown to decrease post-meal blood sugar by about 20% in healthy individuals and those with type 2 diabetes. Additionally, when people with type 2 diabetes took 1 gram of American ginseng 40 minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner for two months while maintaining their regular treatment, their fasting blood sugar decreased 10% compared to those on a placebo.
American ginseng may improve your cells’ response to and increase your body’s secretion of insulin. You should take 1 gram up to two hours before each main meal — taking it sooner may cause your blood sugar to dip too low. Daily doses higher than 3 grams don’t appear to offer additional benefits. Ginseng can decrease the effectiveness of warfarin, a blood thinner, so avoid this combination. It may also stimulate your immune system, which could interfere with immunosuppressant drugs.
4. Berberine
Berberine isn’t a specific herb, but rather a bitter-tasting compound taken from the roots and stems of certain plants, including goldenseal and phellodendron. A review of 27 studies in people with type 2 diabetes observed that taking berberine in combination with diet and lifestyle changes reduced fasting blood sugar by 15.5 mg/dl and A1C by 0.71% compared to diet and lifestyle changes alone or a placebo. The review also noted that berberine supplements taken alongside diabetes medication helped lower blood sugar more than medication alone.
Berberine may improve insulin sensitivity and enhance sugar uptake from your blood into your muscles, which helps lower blood sugar. A typical dose is 300–500 mg taken 2–3 times daily with major meals should be considered. However, berberine may cause digestive disturbances, such as constipation, diarrhea or gas, which may be improved with a lower (300 mg) dose. Berberine may interact with several medications, so check with your doctor before taking this supplement.
Fantastic Blood Sugar Supplements
5. Cinnamon (Bark)
Cinnamon supplements are either made from whole cinnamon powder or an extract. Many studies suggest it helps lower blood sugar and improves diabetes control. When people with prediabetes — meaning a fasting blood sugar of 100–125 mg/dl — took 250 mg of cinnamon extract before breakfast and dinner for three months, they experienced an 8.4% decrease in fasting blood sugar compared to those on a placebo. The recommended dose of cinnamon extract is 250 mg twice a day before meals. For a regular (non-extract) cinnamon supplement, 500 mg twice a day may be best.
In another three-month study, people with type 2 diabetes who took either 120 or 360 mg of cinnamon extract before breakfast saw an 11% or 14% decrease in fasting blood sugar, respectively, compared to those on a placebo. Additionally, their hemoglobin A1C — a three-month average of blood sugar levels — decreased by 0.67% or 0.92%, respectively. All participants took the same diabetes drug during the study. Cinnamon may help your body’s cells better respond to insulin. In turn, this allows sugar into your cells, lowering blood sugar. The common Cassia variety of cinnamon contains more coumarin, a compound that may harm your liver in high amounts. Ceylon cinnamon, on the other hand, is low in coumarin.
6. Chromium
Chromium deficiency reduces your body’s ability to use carbs — converted into sugar — for energy and raises your insulin needs. In a review of 25 studies, chromium supplements reduced A1C by about 0.6% in people with type 2 diabetes, and the average decrease in fasting blood sugar was around 21 mg/dl, compared to a placebo. A small amount of evidence suggests that chromium may also help lower blood sugar in people with type 1 diabetes.
Chromium may enhance the effects of insulin or support the activity of pancreatic cells that produce insulin. A typical dose is 200 mcg per day, but doses up to 1,000 mcg per day have been tested in people with diabetes and may be more effective. The chromium picolinate form is likely absorbed best. Certain drugs — such as antacids and others prescribed for heartburn — can reduce chromium absorption.
Fantastic Blood Sugar Supplements
7. Vitamin D
Vitamin D deficiency is considered a potential risk factor for type 2 diabetes. In one study, 72 percent of participants with type 2 diabetes were deficient in vitamin D at the start of the study. After two months of taking a 4,500-IU supplement of vitamin D daily, both fasting blood sugar and A1C improved. In fact, 48 percent of participants had an A1C that showed good blood sugar control. This is compared to only 32 percent before the study.
Vitamin D may improve the function of pancreatic cells that make insulin and increase your body’s responsiveness to insulin. Ask your doctor for a vitamin D blood test to determine the best dose for you. The active form is D3, or cholecalciferol, so look for this name on supplement bottles. Vitamin D may trigger mild to moderate reactions with several types of medications. Be sure to ask your doctor or pharmacist for guidance.
8. Lion’s Mane Mushroom
Lion’s mane mushroom is a dietary and nootropic supplement that can help with blood sugar, intelligence, and mood. The benefits of this mushroom are extensive, but it’s blood sugar effects it has are worth noting. One way that lion’s mane lowers blood sugars is by blocking the activity of the enzyme alpha-glucosidase, which breaks down carbs in the small intestine. When this enzyme is blocked, the body is unable to digest and absorb carbs as effectively, which results in lower blood sugar levels. The benefits of lion’s mane extend to blood pressure and cancer as well. More than 70 active compounds in lion’s mane mushroom have properties that protect against infections, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and dementia
Fantastic Blood Sugar Supplements
9. Magnesium
Low blood levels of magnesium have been observed in 25–38% of people with type 2 diabetes and are more common in those who don’t have their blood sugar under good control. In a systematic review, eight of 12 studies indicated that giving magnesium supplements for 6–24 weeks to healthy people or those with type 2 diabetes or prediabetes helped reduce fasting blood sugar levels, compared to a placebo. Furthermore, each 50-mg increase in magnesium intake produced a 3% decrease in fasting blood sugar in those who entered the studies with low blood magnesium levels.
Magnesium is involved in normal insulin secretion and insulin action in your body’s tissues. Doses provided to people with diabetes are typically 250–350 mg daily. Be sure to take magnesium with a meal to improve absorption. Avoid magnesium oxide, which can increase your risk of diarrhea. Magnesium supplements may interact with several medications, such as some diuretics and antibiotics. This means that you should check with your doctor or pharmacist before taking it.
10. Probiotics
Probiotics are another great option for regulating your blood sugar levels. Damage to your gut bacteria — such as from taking antibiotics — is associated with an increased risk of several diseases, including diabetes. Probiotic supplements, which contain beneficial bacteria or other microbes, offer numerous health benefits and may improve your body’s handling of carbohydrates. In a review of seven studies in people with type 2 diabetes, those who took probiotics for at least two months had a 16-mg/dl decrease in fasting blood sugar and a 0.53% decrease in A1C compared to those on a placebo.
People who took probiotics containing more than one species of bacteria had an even greater decrease in fasting blood sugar of 35 mg/dl. Animal studies suggest that probiotics may decrease blood sugar by reducing inflammation and preventing the destruction of pancreatic cells that make insulin. Several other mechanisms may be involved as well. Try a probiotic with more than one beneficial species, such as a combination of L. acidophilus, B. bifidum and L. rhamnosus. It’s unknown whether there’s an ideal mix of microbes for diabetes. Probiotics are unlikely to cause harm, but in certain rare circumstances they could lead to serious infections in people with significantly impaired immune systems.
Fantastic Blood Sugar Supplements
11. Gymnema
Gymnema sylvestre is an herb used as a diabetes treatment in the Ayurvedic tradition of India. The Hindu name for the plant — gurmar — means “sugar destroyer”. In one study, people with type 2 diabetes taking 400 mg of gymnema leaf extract daily for 18-20 months experienced a 29% decrease in fasting blood sugar. A1C decreased from 11.9 percent at the start of the study to 8.48 percent. Further research suggests that this herb may help lower fasting blood sugar and A1C in type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes and may reduce cravings for sweets by suppressing the sweet-taste sensation in your mouth.
Gymnema sylvestre may reduce sugar absorption in your gut and promote cells’ uptake of sugar from your blood. Due to its impact on type 1 diabetes, it’s suspected that Gymnema sylvestre may somehow aid insulin-producing cells in your pancreas. The suggested dose is 200 mg of Gymnema sylvestre leaf extract twice a day with meals. Gymnema sylvestre can enhance the blood sugar effects of insulin, so use it only with a doctor’s guidance if you take insulin injections. It may also affect blood levels of some drugs, and one case of liver damage has been reported.
** Consult with your doctor before taking any of these supplements. This is to make sure that your personal medical history is taken into consideration. **
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