10 Ways Mental Pain is Worse Than Physical Pain
We can have a million conversations about the similarities and differences between mental and physical pain. They are, in a sense, one and the same, but there are some differences we can all at least contrive. Of course, mental pain is physical pain and vice versa, but in and of themself, which one is worse. It can be argued for either side but the one that is in my opinion and verifiably worse is mental pain. Some people are broken to begin with, and others gain it through negative personal experience. These are the 10 ways mental pain is worse than physical pain.
Instead of taking sides unbeknownst to yourself, realize that situations you defend display these issues as well. The biggest problems with veterans is not the missing legs, it is the constant pain caused from PTSD. This brokenness can cause homelessness, leading me to conclusions that mental strain can at least be worse. A disease is different and can create mental problems, but if you have your mind together, the pain will not be as much of a burden. In all, it depends on how you break it down in comparison, but this makes mental pain the worst.
There is no bias, it just happens to be true, overall. It is no doubt that mental and physical pain can cause each other, but mental pain causes more and means more in the end. Although our mind is matter and our body is all mental, our emotions are the driving force behind most discomfort. It requires a mind to feel this pain at all to begin with, but it also requires a body to feel them. If we were just a brain in a jar, we could still feel pain. If we were just a body, the pain would be nonexistent unless vague hypotheticals entered the mix. More than anything, I am merely giving my two cents on this side of the equation.
10 Ways Mental Pain is Worse Than Physical Pain
1. It Never Ends
Mental, psychological, and/or emotional pain is all encompassing and can come and go as it pleases. The effect that it has on physical pain is far more than the reverse, even if it is all just a big mess in the end. If we are strictly looking at reality, we can say that emotional pain is at least a subset of mental pain. There are all sorts of mental pain to deal with, and the feelings can go on forever. This can apply to daily stresses and other mental faculties affected by the daily grind. It is not just a simple cliché that emotional pain is so much deeper. The bread has an endless thickness, and it can lead to horrid reaction. Furthermore, mental pain has a tendency to buildup and sneak up on you without you knowing.
One day, you are fine, and the next day, you can feel like complete crap. The physical pains from day to day are generally less bad and go away pretty fast. If not, then there is an easy solution to fix the problem. The mind is not so easy to fix, even if it comes down to a simple bad habit. You think with your brain, and your imagination is endless in the ways that it can torture you. The struggles you can feel from simply imagining something are far worse. Mental illnesses like OCD can play these fears out over and over again to the point of insanity. It does take some personal experience, but this experience does not require physical injury. Disease is different, but is it really all boils down the same exact way.
10 Ways Mental Pain is Worse Than Physical Pain
2. It Goes Deeper
The imagination is a terrifying place, and it can tale you to all sorts of dark and scary places. Our brains work on the basis of reward and punishment, but our emotions can get in the way. The emotions such as anger, sadness, guilt, and relief all derive from this place. All of our desire that go unsatisfied, including the desire for sex and food, can end up causing frustration and dissatisfaction. It is a physical dissatisfaction, but without our brain consuming it, there is nothing. This is because they all come from a psychological desire and byproduct to relieve ourselves.
This is why emotional pain is said to go much deeper than physical pain. All of this is mainly because there is always a brain there to take the most grievous pain possible. There is a limit the body can take before it becomes too much, but the brain can take one hell of a beating. The beating mentioned here is mostly mental, as the physical form of the brain is that of gelatin. One physical punch, and the thing would squish. If this is too much detail for you, then you are obviously missing the point. Our minds can recreate just about anything, having gone through it or not.
10 Ways Mental Pain is Worse Than Physical Pain
3. It is Hidden
If you have never dealt with mental pain or do not know how to break it down, then this may seem easy to you. You will think that physical pain is the worse, and it can more visibly cripple you. In fact, this is why mental pain is so scary, as it can cripple you just as much without the sight of it. It does not take a broken leg, but it can easily cause one. Most people who are mentally ill have to deal with this struggle, and they often do it alone. The more you are alone, the worse the pain can become when you think that no one else cares. You can then see something traumatic, and it can affect you months later without notice.
Most disability is caused by physical struggles, and this is the easiest kind of disability to get. If you have a mental disability, it certainly has to be one hell of a bad thing to get it. The course of action is oftentimes ignored and taken less seriously. The pain can often get the best of you out of nowhere without you being aware of it. Any madness you feel gets thrown in the looney bin at the crazy house. Having to deal with this because of drugs or just popping out incorrectly can make it even worse. No matter what we go through, the struggle can get worse in spite of a syringe to the butt.
10 Ways Mental Pain is Worse Than Physical Pain
4. It is Not Taken Seriously
This goes hand in hand with the previous item on this list, as mental health is not taken seriously. There is more urgency to physical illness that most people think needs attending to. Unless you are trying to kill yourself, you will be thrown to the wayside. Even then, people often cry “attention seeking behavior” as a cause for this self-aggrandizing self-destruction. Mental pain has a way of dragging itself out, and the ways it can kill you are slow grown. Physical diseases like dementia can lead to horror in the mind, as this is the true definition of mental pain.
Losing your mind is certainly the worst way to go, and it can leave the taint of misery and horror in your last breath. The mind can make you feel as though death is bad and lasts forever. Jumping off of a bridge is one thing, but dying of Alzheimer’s disease is a picture painted in seeping pain. There are so many ways the mind can simply faulter and stop working correctly. This ends up leading to more of any kind of pain, along with the lack of healthcare coverage. Unless you think that useless therapy and years of destructive medication are worth it, you are doomed.
10 Ways Mental Pain is Worse Than Physical Pain
5. It Can Mirror Physical Pain
Peace of mind is staggeringly important, and this is something that most people who lack common sense misunderstand. There is anxiety and depression that can make a person scream in terror, and our reactions often come from the fright of death or fear of the unknown. Additionally, there are plenty of demons worth fighting in our heads, and they can just magically reappear. There is always an end to something, but even then, the mind can trigger it so much easier. If something as mere and nebulous can be caused by a thought, then it must have powerful meaning.
While it can be worse than you imagine, the imagination can be applied to the mind as well. Some people struggle with somatoform disorders like hypochondriasis, which is a health anxiety disorder. The fear of impending death and doom fills their minds more than anything. This fear represents constant struggle and stress that a person dealing with a chronic diagnosis lacks. It is not to say that a person struggling cannot have an existential crisis as well. It just happens to be those with these mental conditions who suffer the most from a problem like this.
10 Ways Mental Pain is Worse Than Physical Pain
6. It Cannot Kill You
If the endless examples mentioned above did not already make a salient point, then this certainly will. Mental pain has a limited capacity to kill you, but it can still do the job. If you are sitting there dealing with your mind, you might as well be doing it all day long. You can wish you were dead, but you cannot just simply die without doing something about it. This means that you may have to go through some physical pain on top of this.
We all experience this pain, but not all of us can fully relate to the extremes. Even though mental torment is capable of being the worse, it affects people differently. It also does not mean that we all deal with the worse of it. This ends up creating different perspectives worth having but not worth going through. A brain state is what we are fighting for, and this is the literal definition of mind versus body. The tricks that must be played seem like solutions that are always there but too hard to overcome.
We can all feel hopeless for days on end, but we will often do nothing about it. This can be true for physical pain and disease, but your mind makes all the difference in a physical world. Mental pain can make physical pain worse, but physical pain can make mental pain worse. If you cannot already tell, it all comes down to mental gymnastics and wordplay. Your mind being affected is the point, even if the cause was a physical crack to the skull.
10 Ways Mental Pain is Worse Than Physical Pain
7. It Can Simply Appear
Most of the time, much of the physical pain we feel comes down to our mental reactions. We can always make our physical pain worse based on how we react to it. Our reactions are physical in nature, but it comes down to how it affects our minds. The mind is what is truly reacting, as conscious awareness is what sets us apart from rocks. Human reaction is different, but animals feel emotions as well. The only real difference is that they lack the evolution of language and intelligence. Other animals are most instinctual in their approach to reality, but emotions still play a role.
Most of this can apply to physical pain as well, but this is where the boundaries of physical and mental pain need understanding. If something simply appears without worry and concern, then the course of action is less daunting. This can be applied to just about anyone, but there are people who deal with the worst of it. There is dread involved no matter what, even if a pop to the head is the concern. While this argument seems circular and mute, it actually makes perfect sense. We are all living a mind game with ourselves to make our lives worth living. We are combating a physical world for a simple brain state to make us feel better. There are drugs and medications we can take for the mind and body.
10 Ways Mental Pain is Worse Than Physical Pain
8. You Just Feel It
Considering the fact that mind over matter is often prioritized, there is reason to believe in it’s importance. It is not to say that physical ailment is good or cannot be worse (compared to a mild sadness), but overall, it takes the back seat. If you ended up with a nail in the eye, this would end up causing mental anguish more than physical pain. Even though our brain is a physical thing, the illusion of a projected reality is what represents the mind. You can struggle with a mental disorder like schizophrenia and not even know what is going on.
The mind is more of a process than anything else, leaving us to our reactions. It should just be considered that there are at least 10 ways that the mind can be worse. Mental anguish or torment is generally more important because it boils down to the awareness we have of pain. You may have been through a breakup and bargained to go through physical pain instead. Your wish for alternatives ultimately means very little, but just because it is done with, does not mean that it did not happen. If the conversation boiled down to mental illness versus a physical injury, it would not be so cut and dry. In my opinion, mental disability and pain still takes precedence, concurring with the rest of my overall argument.
10 Ways Mental Pain is Worse Than Physical Pain
9. It Can Affect Others More
We are all sentient creatures, even if some of us are dumber than others. Our loved ones matter, and if we are in a bind, it can bother them. Being stuck in a mental institution can be seen as the help we need. Even in reconciliation, the pain is still there, especially for those experiencing it directly. The journey certainly is not worth the outcome, even if people have different notions of reality. While mental and emotional pain has more room for creativity, it still displays the room for cognitive destruction. Regardless of what someone thinks, a conclusion can be met in reality as to what the worst can be.
If we lost a loved one to a grenade blowing them to bits, then it would probably be less of a tragedy. A prolonged state of disease in the mind can create a struggle in those around us. The mentally disabled or handicapped are also capable of some scary things. It is not just the guy in the short bus, as the man with a gun can be quite articulate and capable. The fear comes of physical pain, but the mental battle beforehand is where the pain endures. This fear can feel like it lasts forever, actually last forever, or it can be so bad that forever is an afterthought.
10 Ways Mental Pain is Worse Than Physical Pain
10. You Cannot Ignore it
The mind is fragile and capable of so much good and bad. The lack of definition can lead to mental struggles, and those who took psychedelics know this. Just because the pain can be long and drawn out does not take away from the overall misery. If we all had to choose, most of us would choose a fast death over a slow one. Even if there are some who prefer a death that is slow, it only goes to show a fear worth displacing. The fear of physical injury and surviving it can deter some, but this is mostly a fear of psychological strain.
There is the possibility of funny things like the fear of fear itself. You also cannot simply ignore the state of mind you are in, unlike a physical injury. Unless the testicular cancer caused some serious post-op pain, you can ignore it more easily. You cannot so easily ignore the mechanism you think through. More people find reason to cut themselves to avoid the mental strain of any kind of illness. Choosing to shoot ourselves means that our vulnerable parts can lead to more mental incapacitation. Although it is a physical injury, the mind is affected as well. Mental pain is more painful, and these are the main reasons why. It just hurts so much damn more, even if it seems ethereal to others.
10 Ways Mental Pain is Worse Than Physical Pain
Final Thoughts:
Even if this made little sense to you, I still deserve an A for effort. Someone can easily type the reverse of this and claim reasons for physical injury being worse. The difference is that they would probably end up being wrong by having a bad argument to back it up. Before getting all high and mighty, be sure to understand the subject. Life is not all that complicated, but we all too often get the complicated bits wrong. There is a temporary feeling we are always looking to achieve. No matter how much we fight, it will never be maintained or worth the cost.
It all seems like psychology and philosophy at this point, but how convenient is this thought really. Most people lack the big picture enough that their opinion seems to lack the weight required for reasonable dispute. If you go through grief or hardship, it can hit you hard, but the place it ultimately lands is the mind. It can hurt so bad that the pain can become physical, be it heartbreak or the death of a loved one. Although our thoughts are a rigid process, they are still what matters more over a simple statement. In the end, we are all playing a mind game in a physical world punishing a valuable resource. Deserve has nothing to do with it.
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