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10 Amazing Ways to Be Better Than Other People

10 Ways to Be Better Than Others
I know that I am the best.

10 Ways to Be Better Than Others

Let’s just get this out of the way — other people suck! This goes for people in general and the guy that thought ripping you off was a good idea. Giving people the benefit of the doubt is great and all, but it can only go so far. Even if it is about giving yourself an ego boost, feeling better is not enough. While it may be all that you need to carry you through the day, everyone can do better. These are the 10 ways to be better than others.

This belief in others may not be what some want to hear, but it is true, as potential counts as well. Maybe someone has an inferiority complex or delusional beliefs that they suck, but there’s more. Being good is easy, but being the best is extremely hard, even in a world of crap. If it helps you be a better person in the end, why not give decency a shot. This is what helps other people do better, and it’s worth giving them a chance as well. There’s no reason to get up in thinking that everyone else sucks, as it becomes a self-defeating affair. This is less about making others out to be bad and more about making yourself the best.

While it may be fun to hate on others, it’s better to see how you can improve people along the way. Just be aware that if you cannot give yourself the benefit of the doubt, it becomes impossible to do it for others. It’s about being better than you were before more than it is about being better than others. If you want to carry a little bit of extra cockiness with you, then it just may be well deserved. If you want to be better than others, you have to be like Batman. Even though he is responsible for the lunatics surviving and breaking out of jail, he does it with confidence. If you want to be a better person, you have to show that you are willing to pay for it. If you pay for it, at least you kept up with your crappy end of the deal.

10 Ways to Be Better Than Others

1. Actually Care

Most of the time, it is hard to see how people care. You hear it all of the time, but it is never really seen in action. People may have a million excuses, but the only excuse is laziness and selfishness. While this is their prerogative, there are ways to display and share kindness. You cannot expect much, and people will be people, but it does not mean that some of us should just sit and take it. There is plenty of opportunity to rise above, and all it takes is a little practice to show it. This is where other people have a hard time, as they have set expectations low and are willing to deal with it. Better people are not willing to deal with others being pieces of crap, but this has a consequence.

Those in less control will often be shat on for trying to be a better person for recognizing the injustices in the world. Even if it comes with a lot of responsibility and pain, it should not mean that you give up. If you do not, at least you can stand on any principles you have created for yourself and feel meaning that way. This means that if someone tells you that they are suffering, you should at least respond with kindness. To take it a step further, you should actually help them do something about their woe. If you do not, then that is fine, as it is mostly about putting one foot in front of the other. It’s also about doing more than flipping a coin at the sight of a homeless person.

It takes time to be a better person, as other people at least show that they care. The difference is that most people are really good at faking it, even when their acting skills could use some work. It takes more than simply thinking yourself a better person to become a better person. If you are not willing to put the work in, then you will ultimately fail at succeeding. Even if humanizing others is great, it can often feel overused and misplaced. This does not mean that you should not do it, because it makes you a better person for doing so.

10 Ways to Be Better Than Others

2. Forgive the Unforgivable

One of the best things you can do when trying to be better than everyone else is forgiving for any past transgressions. While it’s easy to forgive and hard to forget, you have to get to the forgiving part first. This can be a challenge, as forgiving someone means you have to remember the problem. If for some strange reason you forget the unforgivable act, it probably means that you bumped your head in the process. The problem is that it often does not work this way, meaning that it’s not always so easy to forgive someone.

If you want to forgive someone easier, learning some extent of empathy can help a lot. This means that if someone screws you over or hurts you, you should try to practice letting it go. As hard as it can be, does not mean that it cannot pay in the long run. If you are just looking to be the better person though, it means not putting yourself in these situations to begin with. It’s hard to avoid it if you are trying to be a goody two shoes all of the time. There is also the option to beat the other person up or steal some of their money. While this would be satisfying, it would be an insult to your character and work-in-progress journey.

10 Ways to Be Better Than Others

3. Be a Giver

If you scratch somebody’s back, then they should at least try to do the same for you in return. Unfortunately, it does not always work in favor of the one willing to be the giver. Just because you are generous, does not mean that others will do the same for you. While putting your neck out for others should be priority anyway, it’s understandable why it can be difficult. Being the better person involves doing at least the bare minimum when it comes to generosity. It does not mean that you should be giving everything away, but people have done this before. More often than not, it is against their will, but that is a different story.

It should be appreciated if you are willing to stick your neck out for others to any degree. While you may be taken advantage of from time to time, it does not mean that you should give up. You are how you act, so be sure to keep yourself in check as much as possible. This is what will differentiate you from other people. It’s not always easy to think good of others, and some of us are just looking to hate people anyway. If you find that respecting others allows you to respect yourself more, then respect will come more easily. The next time someone asks for a favor, understand what it can and will not mean as a consequence.

10 Ways to Be Better Than Others

4. Avoid Bullying and Needless Harm

A vast majority of people are bullies, killers, fighters, and braggers, but you do not have to be. You could be one of the few people who deserves it, but do not go out of your way looking for it. This creates an expectation that others should respect you, and this can be dangerous. If someone is down, you can bully them, but this is what we call a false sense of superiority. You can think that this makes you better, but it really does not. The funny part of it all is that individuals or groups often end up taking it out on others who do not deserve it. Just because they cannot control themselves and did it, does not mean that it was right. This gives them more room for improvement, and if they cannot deal with constructive criticism, the more work they must do.

Some people will go out of their way to ruin someone’s say out of spite and ill will. This is what you should do your best in avoiding at all times. All you have to really do is consider the consequences of your actions. You can still hate people’s guts, but even if they deserve worse in your eyes, the best should be given. The problem with most people is that they often rationalize things they should not have done. People become so used to their problems that they come jaded and accepting of the bullshit. This is the last thing you should allow into your life, because it does little to bode well for everyone. If you get so used to being a jerk or being treated like one, all you will have are mistakes and rationalizations justifying the insanity.

10 Ways to Be Better Than Others

5. Do Not Be a Sheep

Going along with the crowd is one of the worst things you can do when trying to be a good person. While not every situation where a person goes along to get along is bad, it does not help. This is not to say that you should be that person who mugs people or lights houses on fire, but it’s a start. It also does not mean that you cannot have friends, but you have to be willing to point out their childish behaviors. If someone is simply trying to be a person who fits in, that is great, but it can come at a cost. There are plenty of habits people gain for becoming a part of the borg. It can be displayed through horrible tastes in clothing, i.e., hipsters, and overzealous political views.

If this describes you, then you may have to put on a new pair of pants, as the ones you are wearing are full of poop. The best thing you can do is think for yourself, but it does not mean that this should be taken too far. It’s simply motivation to think outside of a hivemind, as this is what typically cause these problems to begin with. Everyone thinks to some degree they are different, but you can actually be one of the literal few that actually is. While it may be this way to begin with, you can then learn to help others be overall better people by giving your own two cents. If you can pull of being independent minded with a degree of class and kindness, then you are doing well. At least it will land you in the top five percent.

10 Ways to Be Better Than Others

6. Be Honest

If you want to be a good person, being or becoming an honest person should be at the top of your list. Even if you committed a horrible crime, the last thing you should think to do is lie. It will have it’s consequences, but people will think that you at least told the truth. Lying does no one any good, and it can cause even more problems down the line.

The saving grace of this argument is that if you do not do harm to others, you will have no need to lie. This means that if someone asks if you screwed them over, you can do it. Telling the truth will be easy because of your innocence. The last thing you want is to be accused of a crime, so it means that you avoid doing harm to begin with. If all of this means that you become a martyr in the meantime, then so be it.

The issue to have with it is that most people do the right things for the wrong reasons. Yes, people will say that the path to hell is paved in good intentions, and this is true. People will often do horrendous things and end up accomplishing more than the best of us. This is the way things unfortunately work, but you have to do more than mean well. Making a work easier for others, makes it easier for you to be the best you can be. Even if you are not the absolute best, you can still be better than you were before.

If you are doing the right thing, good or bad consequence, we can only do so much. Someone may know that there is a problem and lie to save their own skin, or they can do the opposite. At least they gave it the good old college try, as having good intentions is an important part here. This is where the principle of honesty comes into play, and if you show it, you are probably a good person. If you are willing to be honest in the face of rebuke, this means that you are becoming better.

10 Ways to Be Better Than Others

7. Sacrifice Yourself

There’s an analogy where a person takes the fall by jumping on a grenade to save their friends. This is a great analogy, but it not something literally expected of you. It’s what you should do, but most people do not require it. It is not to say that it is not an honorable act, but it does not mean that it has to be taken this far. You are not likely to be in this situation anyway, but if you were, would you jump on the grenade?

Good reason or not, alive or not, it is something you have to consider for yourself. This is where giving this kind of advice is so hard, as few will truly listen. Action would be in the heat of the moment, but would you allow someone else do to it instead? Everyone is trying to be better in their own way, and this can create conflict. This is where it is not about just about being the braver person, it’s about doing what others may do for you. It can stop them from having to jump on the grenade, but they will die. If you are willing to make this sacrifice, at least you are heading in the right direction.

Sacrificing oneself means putting others before you, even if it is in the name of pride. We all have selfish reasons for committing selfless acts of kindness, but it is all we have. There are better ways to go about it, but it requires a level of reconditioning that is too much for most people. If you want to be more than most people, then you have to be willing to show your hate through just cause. It is an unfortunate fact or reality that things must work this way, but relatively speaking, it works well enough. You have to be willing to change for the better, as it shows that you have character to do what makes you uncomfortable. This is where it is important to understand all of the ways being better can be displayed, as there are numerous.

10 Ways to Be Better Than Others

8. Learn to Be Principled

Having a set of principles you live by will do wonders for how you respect yourself and others around you. If you are someone who is compulsive or lazy, you can learn a lot by making a routine. Most people have daily routines, but these routines do little to make them a better person. You should create a sustainable routine, and show that you are not the kind of person who gives up. All it usually takes in being a better person to most people is by thinking that they are better people. This is where they often go wrong, even if it means they are just trying to feel a little better. Some of the best people on the face of this earth are people who will not stop beating themselves up. Maybe you think you need only one good quality to be great, but this is untrue.

If it is too much to be the pariah on the block, you do not have to fit this role. It just means that if you want to be better than other people in more than one way, you have to show it. If you do not care, then you can be your own boss and go with the flow. The cavalier nature of some people is enough for them, and it’s an admirable trait to possess. It just happens to matter that keeping yourself adhered to a principle will often yield better results.

The fact of the matter is that you can only be so good in reality. There’s so much to lose and so little to gain. There’s only so much time to think less of others, as others do suck. If not, we can continue to scream “you suck” to those we feel need it the most. You can gain a lot if you are down in the dumps, but it is only because you have nothing. We have to all live in this trash, so why not try to clean it up as much as possible.

10 Ways to Be Better Than Others

9. Lose the Ego

Another great thing to do when trying to be a better person is losing the ego as much as possible. While people will have egos and it’s okay to be egotistical from time to time, you can always do better. This is a little bit different than being confident or proud of yourself for doing a good thing. The problem is when these things become carried away to the point of you becoming an asshole. It matters how you act when dealing with others, but most of the time, people like to think otherwise. As long as you are doing good, then that is all that matters. How you act and feel in response to your kindness is overlooked as long as you are doing good for others. The problem lies in how you act and feel having consequence and bleeding into your everyday action.

Just because your emotions and negativity cannot necessarily be seen, does not mean that you should not do your best. Although people cannot see how grandiose you see yourself in your head, it is best to be humble. At least in the eyes of others, it can help you bring people to your side. Being unaffected will do you favors, but becoming a callous douchebag will serve you poorly. This arrogance is a sign of insecurity and narcissism, and it is something you do not want to show. It is a mental health exercise, and thus, it requires mental fortitude and gymnastics. You do not have to be insecure or opinion-less, but it takes more than good arguments to be better.

A nihilistic attitude is what allows people to cope with their existence. If you want to be a quitter like they are, then prove it with callousness. There happens to be a reality we live in, and it will do nothing to stop this behavioral belief system. If you want to feel justified in your hate and disgust with a sense of superiority, do more; show people that you can care. Even if you do not, at least you have the balls to do what is right in the face of your own doubt.

10 Ways to Be Better Than Others

10. Adapt and Display Skill

The last thing you can do to be better than others is by being better at doing certain things. If this means practicing how to play an instrument or learning how to do mathematical equations, then do it. This way, you can learn to help others with this skills you have learned. You can even rub it in their face a little, and trying will have nothing to do with it. There’s a silly little cliched statement that the biggest payback is success. If you are simply trying to be the overall better person, then this will do the trick. Although, if you are trying to do more than that, you can show them what a better person really is.

If this means that you want to show how little you can care, then so be it. It is the best thing you can do for your self-esteem though, as learning gives you power over others. The more you learn for the right reasons, the more the sense of you being better comes with it. The funny thing is that it does not have to include the attitude, because the sense of superiority comes with it. In the eyes of others, you will be the better person for it, and if they do not like it, they can deny it. It is without a doubt a fact that even if you are crappy at everything you do, you are if you show it. Being good at something will only take you so far, because thinking little of it will take you even further.

10 Ways to Be Better Than Others

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The 10 Ways to Be Better Than Others

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10 Ways to Be Better Than Others


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